European Silicon Days in Saarbrücken The WACKER Silicone Award 2018 Goes to Herbert W. Roesky

Munich / Saarbrücken, Sep 11, 2018

Professor Dr. Herbert W. Roesky, Emeritus Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Georg-August-University Göttingen, Germany, has been honored with this year’s WACKER Silicone Award. The research prize was presented yesterday evening during the ninth European Silicon Days in Saarbrücken, Germany, for the 17th time. The Munich-based chemical group thereby recognizes Roesky’s groundbreaking work in the field of low-valent silicon chemistry. The WACKER Silicone Award, which includes €10,000 prize money, ranks alongside the American Chemical Society’s Kipping Award as the most important international accolade in organosilicon chemistry.

At the ninth European Silicon Days in Saarbrücken, Professor Herbert W. Roesky (center) was distinguished with the WACKER Silicone Award 2018. He was congratulated by WACKER Executive Board member Auguste Willems (right) and WACKER SILICONES President Dr. Robert Gnann.

The 82-year-old awardee is among the world’s best known scientists in the field of fluorine and silicon chemistry. “In his work, Roesky researches low-valent silicon chemistry based on key raw materials used in the silicon-processing chemical industry,” said Robert Gnann, head of the WACKER SILICONES business division, as he presented the award yesterday evening. “Since chlorosilylenes also occur as intermediates in the production of hyperpure silicon and silicones, his work is pioneering and also of great interest for making process optimizations.”

Herbert Roesky’s most important discoveries include the synthesis of a dichlorosilylene from trichlorosilane. Such divalent silicon compounds are highly unstable and have to be stabilized prior to isolation. In 2009, Roesky managed this with the aid of an N-heterocyclic carbene, i.e. without using common reducing agents. “With this synthesis, Roesky raised the generations-long preoccupation with the trichlorosilane/base system to new heights”, Robert Gnann emphasized.

Professor Roesky was born on November 6, 1935, in Laukischken near Kaliningrad, Russia. He studied chemistry at Georg-August-University in Göttingen from 1956 and gained his doctorate in 1963 in the working group led by Professor Oskar Glemser on fluorination reactions. In 1967, he obtained his habilitation with a thesis on the chemistry of substituted phosphates. From 1971 until 1980, Roesky conducted research and taught as Professor of Inorganic Chemistry at Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University in Frankfurt. From 1980 until 2004, he headed the Institute of Inorganic Chemistry at Georg-August-University Göttingen.

Roesky only focused on low-valent silicon chemistry after his retirement. He had already caused a stir with the isolation of a chlorine-substituted silylene. Roesky was subsequently able to demonstrate that such chlorosilylenes represent a new ligand type in the coordination chemistry of transition metals. He also succeeded in introducing so-called cyclic alkylamino carbenes (cAACs) into silicon chemistry. This permitted the synthesis of novel low-valent silicon compounds, for example the synthesis of a biradical of disilicon tetrachloride or the preparation of a stable cyclic silicon cluster of three silicon atoms in the formal oxidation state 0.

Roesky has received numerous honorary doctorates and published over 1,300 scientific papers in total. His research fields include, along with low-valent silicon chemistry, fluorine chemistry, cyclic sulfur-nitrogen compounds and metallophosphazenes. For his pioneering work, Roesky has received many international research awards, including the Leibniz Prize of the German Research Foundation and the Blaise-Pascal Medal of the European Academy of Sciences.

Roesky is also the author of numerous popular scientific chemistry books and publications. In his experimental lectures, he generates enthusiasm for the fascinating world of chemistry among students as well as non-chemists. As a board of trustees member of the German Chemical Industry Fund, he has promoted professional teacher training and modern, practical teaching of chemistry for decades. In 2012, Professor Roesky’s achievements were honored with the Heinrich Roessler Award of the German Chemical Society.

Previous WACKER Silicone Award winners:
2016 Prof. Alexander Filippou (University of Bonn, Germany)
2014 Prof. Akira Sekiguchi (University of Tsukuba, Japan)
2011 Prof. Matthias Driess (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany)
2009 Prof. Ulrich Schubert (Technical University of Vienna, Austria)
2007 Prof. Dr. Yitzhak Apeloig (Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa)
2005 Prof. Mitsuo Kira (Tohoku University, Japan)
2003 Prof. Don Tilley (University of California at Berkeley, US)
2001 Prof. Manfred Weidenbruch (University of Oldenburg, Germany)
1998 Prof. Robert Corriu (Université de Montpellier, France)
1996 Prof. Hubert Schmidbaur (Technical University of Munich, Germany)
1994 Prof. Edwin Hengge
1992 Prof. Richard Müller and Prof. Eugene Rochow
1991 Prof. Hideki Sakurai (Science University of Tokyo, Japan)
1989 Prof. Robert West (University of Wisconsin, USA)
1988 Prof. Nils Wiberg (†)
Prof. Reinhold Tacke (University of Würzburg, Germany)
1987 Prof. Peter Jutzi (Bielefeld University, Germany)
Prof. Norbert Auner (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)


Silicones are the basis of materials with highly diverse product properties for virtually unlimited applications. Silicones are used in a broad variety of industries ranging from the automotive, construction and chemical sectors, through electrical and electronics, cosmetics and consumer care, metal processing and mechanical engineering, to textiles, pulp and paper. One of the world’s leading producers of silicones, WACKER offers one-stop solutions for silicone-based products, services and strategies. In 2017, the WACKER Group earned annual sales of EUR 2.2 bn, around 45 percent of consolidated sales, with the sales of silicones.


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Professor Herbert W. Roesky

Professor Herbert W. Roesky received the 2018 WACKER Silicone Award, a renowned research prize in the field of organosilicon chemistry. The award was presented by the Munich-based chemicals group during the ninth European Silicon Days in Saarbrücken, Germany.

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WACKER Silicone Award 2018

At the ninth European Silicon Days in Saarbrücken, Professor Herbert W. Roesky (center) was distinguished with the WACKER Silicone Award 2018. He was congratulated by WACKER Executive Board member Auguste Willems (right) and WACKER SILICONES President Dr. Robert Gnann.

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