Turning 90 and more imaginative than ever
Burghausen/Fulda/Munich, Jun 06, 2018
Turning 90 and more imaginative than ever: WACKER is celebrating the anniversary of its idea management work with a range of creative initiatives. At the start of this anniversary year, our Employee Suggestion Program managed to win a coveted award.

At Germany’s “ZI” (Zentrum Ideenmanagement or Idea Management Center) National Congress in Fulda the WACKER team won first prize in the Production and Engineering category to show that even in its 90th anniversary year WACKER’s Employee Suggestion Program is still a fountain of good ideas. The Idea Management Center (ZI) is an interest group that promotes and disseminates idea and innovation management in Germany. WACKER is one of 150 member companies.
Those who submitted their smart improvement suggestions convinced the judging panel with an intelligent combination of IT systems that speeds up lab results and saves analytical costs. “This improvement suggestion is a perfect example of working across sites and organizations to develop new ideas,” said Susanne Engl, head of Idea Management and the Employee Suggestion Program. “Our thanks go to everyone who came up with these creative ideas and to the supervisors for motivating their colleagues and supporting the implementation of their ideas. You are all making a vital contribution to our company’s success”

WACKER is marking the anniversary year of its idea management work with a range of initiatives, which alongside the Suggestion Program bonuses also offer the chance to win prizes. For example, there is an online quiz and the “ensuring health and safety in routine work” initiative, which asks for workplace safety ideas.
90 different discussions at local sites: With the motto, “Let’s talk ideas,” WACKER’s idea managers are planning to visit a total of 90 teams during the anniversary year to inform and inspire colleagues and stir up their innovative spirit. Here’s to a decade filled with creative ideas leading up to our 100th birthday!

Wacker Chemie AG
Public Affairs
Joachim Zdzieblo
Tel. +49 89 6279-1165
Email joachim.zdzieblo@wacker.com
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