WACKER Joins Familienpakt Bayern
Munich, Jul 24, 2018
WACKER has joined the ‘Familienpakt Bayern’ (‘Family Pact Bavaria’) network of the Bavarian state government and Bavarian Industry Association. In doing so, the chemical group has emphasized its goal of promoting a family-friendly corporate culture. The Bavarian state government had already recognized WACKER as a family-friendly company this spring.

“WACKER is dedicated to helping its employees successfully integrate their careers and private lives,” says Dr. Christian Hartel, personnel director and member of the Executive Board. “We have firmly embedded the commitment to a family-friendly work environment in our corporate policy guidelines.”
The Group offers its employees extensive opportunities to balance their private and professional life. These include a wide range of work-time models, support with childcare, school-vacation childcare at the Burghausen site, one week of “family time” for parents of children under eight and support for employees caring for relatives. As Angela Wörl, head of HR, stresses, “WACKER is already a family-friendly company. But we want to improve further, rather than rest on our laurels, since both the company and its employees benefit from a family-friendly corporate culture.”
In May this year, Kerstin Schreyer, the Bavarian Minister of Labor and Family Affairs, and Franz Josef Pschierer, Minister of Economic Affairs, honored Wacker Chemie AG as part of the corporate competition ‘Erfolgreich. Familienfreundlich’ (‘Successful. Family-Friendly’). The Bavarian state government uses the award to acknowledge companies’ exemplary support for employees’ work-life balance.
About Familienpakt Bayern
Familienpakt Bayern was set up by the Bavarian state government, the Bavarian Industry Association (vbw), the Bavarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce (BIHK) and the Bavarian Association of the Crafts Sector (BHT) to ensure continued, collaborative support for work-life balance in Bavaria. The network is a key building block in the process of spreading awareness in companies and in government of family-career issues, and to work on improving them together. Roughly 600 companies are now involved in Familienpakt Bayern.
Familienpakt Bayern
As part of Familienpakt Bayern, WACKER – alongside other companies and the Bavarian state government – is demonstrating its dedicat
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Wacker Chemie AG
Public Affairs
Joachim Zdzieblo
Tel. +49 89 6279-1165
Email joachim.zdzieblo@wacker.com
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