DIDACTA 2018: WACKER Presents the New Website for its CHEM2DO® School Experiment Kit

Munich, Feb 20, 2018

At didacta 2018, the world’s largest education trade show, the Munich based chemical company WACKER presents the new website for its CHEM2DO® experiment kit. With immediate effect, animations and examples of instructions for the experiment kit are available online at www.chem2do.de. The animations have been specially designed for use in chemistry lessons. They make invisible processes visible and give students a deeper understanding of the chemical reactions and interactions taking place in the experiments. didacta takes place from February 20 to 24 in Hannover, Germany.

Provided the relevant training has been completed, the WACKER experiment kit is available free of charge. The courses take place throughout Germany.

Since 2012, schools have been able to obtain the CHEM2DO® experiment kit free of charge from WACKER, the Munich-based chemical company, once the relevant staff training had been completed. Since then, more than 2,500 teachers have taken part in the training in order to use the experiment kit in their lessons. The kit mainly focuses on silicones and cyclodextrins – ring-shaped sugar molecules, which are well-suited to teaching about carbohydrates. The experiments, eight in total, are designed as school experiments. That means that the students are able to conduct the experiments themselves. The experiment kit comes with instructions as well as all the most important chemicals, which can even be re-ordered.

At www.chem2do.de, the new digital supplementary material for the experiment kit can be accessed. It mainly consists of learning resources with animations clearly demonstrating the experiments in the CHEM2DO®-experiment kit, following the learning plan. The experiment is first demonstrated with a video. Then at key points throughout the video, the focus switches to particle level: The animation illustrates what is happening in the chemical reaction on a molecular level. For younger students, a simplified version of the experiments can also be found on the website. Older students can follow the chemical processes with the help of sophisticated 3-D models.

The animations were designed and developed by WACKER together with chemistry education experts from Munich’s Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, the University of Wuppertal and the University of Münster. The animations were trialed by teachers and optimized for the classroom.

www.chem2do.de is freely accessible and offers:

  • Service for the experiment kit (course dates, re-orders, etc.)
  • An introduction to the topic ‘silicones’
  • An introduction to the topic ‘cyclodextrins’
  • Profiles of career paths in the chemical industry
  • Animations for the chemical reactions in the CHEM2DO® experiments

The WACKER experiment kit and the website are currently only available in German.

Visit WACKER at didacta 2018. You’ll find us at the GDCh stand, Hall 12, Booth A62.


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WACKER experiment kit

Provided the relevant training has been completed, the WACKER experiment kit is available free of charge. The courses take place throughout Germany.

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WACKER experiment kit animation

The new website www.chem2do.de not only shows the experiments in the WACKER experiment kit, but also offers numerous animations. These explain the chemical reactions on a molecular level in a clear and visual way. With the ‘bookmark’ feature, key points of the videos can easily be found.

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Wacker Chemie AG
Public Affairs
Joachim Zdzieblo

Tel. +49 89 6279-1165
Email joachim.zdzieblo@wacker.com
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