Bavarian State Government Honors WACKER As a Family-Friendly Company

Munich, May 15, 2018

The Bavarian State Government has recognized WACKER as a family-friendly company. As part of yesterday’s corporate competition entitled ‘Erfolgreich. Familienfreundlich’ (‘Successful. Family-Friendly’), Kerstin Schreyer, Minister of Labor and Family Affairs, and Franz Josef Pschierer, Minister of Economic Affairs, honored 20 companies that provide exemplary support for a good work/life balance.

On Monday evening, Dr. Christian Hartel of WACKER’s Executive Board and Angela Wörl, head of HR, accepted the ‘Successful. Family-Friendly’ award from Franz Josef Pschierer (left), Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs, and Kerstin Schreyer (right), Minister of Labor and Family Affairs. (Source: StMAS / Nikolaus Schäffler)

Dr. Christian Hartel, Personnel Director and WACKER Executive Board member, and Angela Wörl, head of HR, accepted the certificate during a reception at Nymphenburg Palace in Munich.

227 Bavarian companies of all types and sizes participated in the competition, which the state government has been holding every other year since 2016. After two competitive rounds with on-site visits to the companies, a jury from ministries, science, foundations and the Bavarian business community chose the 20 winners.

WACKER won in the categories “family-oriented work conditions,” “service and support offers,” “personnel development and sustainability,” “information and communications” and “corporate and leadership culture.”

Kerstin Schreyer, Minister of Labor and Family Affairs, emphasized that: “Reliable childcare is vital for successfully balancing career and family. The government has greatly expanded childcare in Bavaria in recent years. However, that alone is not enough. Companies are responsible, too, for enabling a family-friendly work environment. The winners of our ‘Successful. Family-Friendly’ corporate award, such as Wacker Chemie AG, show how this can be achieved. They set examples that will hopefully be followed by many other companies.”

“A good work-family balance is a top priority across the Bavarian business community and for WACKER in particular. Its level of entrepreneurial commitment is high,” states Franz Josef Pschierer, Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs. “Increased employee satisfaction and motivation leads to greater employee retention. Especially in times when specialists are in short supply, this can be a real success factor for Bavarian companies, as the example of WACKER demonstrates.”

“Employees and the company benefit from a family-friendly corporate culture,” says Dr. Christian Hartel, WACKER Executive Board member. “That is why we want to offer a work environment that balances work and private life. We have firmly embedded this commitment in WACKER’s policy guidelines.”

The Group offers its employees extensive opportunities to balance their private and professional life. These include a wide range of work-time models, support with childcare, school-vacation childcare at the Burghausen site, one week of “family time” for parents of children under eight and support for employees caring for relatives. That employees have options to shape their own work/life balance is a key factor in sustainable personnel management, according to Angela Wörl, head of HR. “If we value our employees in all aspects and phases of their life, we increase the motivation and performance of each of them – and strengthen WACKER’s performance as a whole.”


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Family Friendly

On Monday evening, Dr. Christian Hartel of WACKER’s Executive Board and Angela Wörl, head of HR, accepted the ‘Successful. Family-Friendly’ award from Franz Josef Pschierer (left), Bavaria’s Minister of Economic Affairs, and Kerstin Schreyer (right), Minister of Labor and Family Affairs.

(Source: StMAS / Nikolaus Schäffler)

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Joachim Zdzieblo

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