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Thermoplastics & Elastomers

WACKER offers a wide product portfolio for the processing of thermoplastic materials and silicone rubber compounds, and opens up possibilities for the entire application spectrum - from standard through engineering to high-end plastics.

Our specialty products enable the upgrade of cost-efficient standard plastics, such as PE or PP, to higher-value plastics with enhanced or new properties through the selective modification of polymers and by compounding with silane- or silicone-based additives.

With poly(vinyl acetate)-based VINNEX®, biopolymers can be processed just like standard thermoplastics while maintaining their biodegradability. The system enables the precise configuration of physical properties for a given application and confers compatibility on different materials, such as starch, PLA, PHA, PBS and CA.

Silicone elastomers have a distinctive range of properties that distinguish them from other kinds of rubber. Outstanding features are a water-repellent surface, excellent mechanical properties over a very wide temperature range, high resistance to chemicals and environmental influences, and exceptional purity.