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The Success Factor in Electroslag Remelting (ESR)

ESR is used to produce tailored, high-purity materials with a defect-free microstructure. ELECTROFLUX plays an essential role in state-of-the-art ESR facilities. It is an absolutely reliable method to ensure metallurgical refining during ESR, thereby safeguarding the production of high-quality specialty steels and nickel-based alloys.

ELECTROFLUX products are made of natural raw materials. The precision-controlled melting process enables the manufacture of products with accurately defined compositions. Thanks to its consistently high quality and established reliability, ELECTROFLUX has been setting standards in ESR processes around the world for many years.

ELECTROFLUX products are available in a variety of precisely defined compositions. The specific composition can be matched to the customer’s individual needs. Not only our standard products but also our ELH grades have an extremely low water content.

WACKER's ELECTROFLUX products show outstanding benefits that differ according to the specific grade and are suitable for a wide range of applications.

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