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FOLDTEC® is the trade name for WACKER’s patented protein refolding technology. Refolding is a key stage in protein production and is critical to achieving proteins with the desired active properties while avoiding the intracellular formation of aggregated inclusion bodies comprising poorly soluble substances.

Folding optimization increases space / time yields by 20-fold compared to state-of-the-art processes.

FOLDTEC® is based on highly efficient, proprietary E. coli producer strains, an antibiotic- and phage-free plasmid maintenance system and comprehensive refolding know-how for the production of high-quality inclusion bodies. In synergy with WACKER’s high-cell-density fermentation systems, it provides unique solutions for the sophisticated manufacture of biopharmaceuticals, by promoting protein refolding with superior yields (up to 12 g / liter).


  • Optimized productivity (highest yields with reduced folding volumes in the shortest process time)
  • Fully scalable manufacturing processes
  • Compatible with all culture media
  • No need for antibiotics or undesired phage components

Wacker Biotech GmbH

Hans-Knöll-Strasse 3
07745 Jena
+49 3641 5348-0

Contact Location