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Anti-Pollution: Triple Defense for Beauty

More than any other sensory organ, our skin combines both aesthetic and functional aspects. A beautiful complexion and a well-groomed, smooth surface are immediately captivating. At the same time, as our largest sensory organ, the skin also performs important physical functions. To enable it to serve this dual purpose in the face of ever more aggressive environmental exposure, it deserves the best protection: cosmetics with anti-pollution properties.

Whatever the age group, beauty today is principally defined by a well-groomed, smooth and pure complexion. But our skin is far more than that. It is a master of metabolism and an essential sensory organ. With its extremely fine pores, it regulates, e.g., the body temperature while protecting against dirt, microorganisms and pollution.

Day-to-Day Pollution

The skin’s natural functions are pushed to their limits by dust, exhaust gases, heavy metals and increasing UV radiation due to hot, dry summers, with increased ozone pollution. If unfiltered, they attack the skin, for example, forming free radicals in the epidermis, which cause premature aging. The result may be more wrinkling, pigment disorders or eczema. Growing environmental pollution also impacts the hair, making itself felt as split ends and hair loss. Residents of busy cities suffer particularly from pollution due to particulate matter, cigarette smoke and the like.

Skin and hair are subject to various environmental impacts.

Care and Protection

In its portfolio, WACKER offers the components essential for effective anti-pollution formulations, for protection against external factors such as harmful environmental impacts. They include high-quality silicones of the BELSIL® brand, as well as the hydroxytyrosol HTEssence® as antioxidant. As naturally as we use a sunscreen to protect our skin against UV radiation in summer, so this formulation protects our skin and hair against a variety of environmental impacts. At the heart of the formulation is triple defense:

1. A Protective Silicone Film

BELSIL® REG 1102 forms a thin protective film on the skin. which prevents harmful substances, such as dirt, dust, exhaust gases or cigarette smoke from penetrating into the skin, and makes it easier to wash off such foreign matter.

2. Integrated UV Protection

To prevent UV radiation generating so many harmful free radicals in the skin, the anti-pollution formulation contains UV filters. In addition, positive synergies between the UV filters and silicone film can be seen.

3. Antioxidant for Less Oxidative Stress

The antioxidant HTEssence® ultimately deactivates the free radicals that can form in the skin despite protective measures. This decreases oxidative stress and promotes the regeneration of the skin.

Products from WACKER Make the Difference:

  • The elastomer gel BELSIL® REG 1102 forms a fine film on the skin. Besides protecting it against dirt particles, it also imparts an exceptionally silky skin feel.
  • For a pleasant, dry and soft skin feel, the anti-pollution formulation contains spherical polymethylsilsesquioxane. BELSIL® 110. It evens out fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin an even and smooth appearance.
  • The nature-identical hydroxytyrosol HTEssence® acts as an antioxidant. It is a bioactive compound that is found in olives. WACKER manufactures it in a patented process.

Product Presentation and Contact

This formulation and the associated WACKER products are presented at in-cosmetics Global from October 6 - 8, 2020, in Barcelona. For further information in advance, you can contact our experts directly here.

Contact us now

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