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Carpet Carpet Applications with VINNAPAS® and VINNOL® Dispersions

Instructor-led training | Customers & Distributors


Learn about how VINNAPAS® and VINNOL® dispersions can help with carpet constructions.


Basic knowledge of chemistry


  • Benefits in carpet applications
  • Major applications: carpet tile, residential and commercial broadloom, woven needlebond and artificial grass
  • Formulation development and modifications
  • Carpet coating variations in mills
  • Carpet base evaluation techniques
  • Troubleshooting discussion
  • Main standards and test methods (U.S. and European)
  • Information about the latest market trends

Seminar objectives

This class will give you an introduction to carpet formulations, carpet constructions, coating techniques and troubleshooting. A tour of several carpet coaters will also be available.

Target audience

Technical managers, technical service personnel, R&D managers, chemists, lab technicians and salespeople with technical backgrounds

Training location


Seminar language


Fee (plus VAT)

0.00 EUR

Number of participants

1 - 4


John McClurken

John is currently the Senior Application, Development and Technical Service (ADTS) Chemist for the Carpet Team responsible for ADTS for U.S. carpet customers and the WACKER ACADEMIES in Dalton, GA. He joined WACKER in 1997 after spending 15 years at Reichold Chemicals and 7 years at Dow Chemicals. John holds a BS in Chemistry and a BS in Biology both from Winthrop University.