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Household & Cleaning Solutions Silicones in Industrial Defoamers

Instructor-led training | Customers & Distributors


This seminar will help guide you through the selection of the right SILFOAM® defoamer for your industrial foaming issues.


Basic knowledge of chemistry


  • The basics of foam and defoamers
  • Silicone antifoam agents
  • Markets for defoamers
  • Products for defoaming

Seminar objectives

When foam is formed in any system, it hinders production and decreases throughput. Let WACKER help you understand what causes foam and how to use our SILFOAM®defoamers as effective defoamers and antifoam agents.

Target audience

Chemists, technical and marketing managers involved in defoaming projects. This course is recommended as a beginning level introduction to silicone chemistry for defoaming.

Training location

Ann Arbor

Seminar language


Fee (plus VAT)

0.00 EUR

Number of participants

5 - 8


Dr. Linrong Gu

Lingrong (Linna) joined WACKER right after completing a PhD in Organic Chemistry from Clemson University in South Carolina. She is the Technical Manager for the Pulp and Industrial defoamers Business Team SPI responsible for developing new defoaming and antifoaming products to various industries. Linna also has a MS in Polymers Chemistry and Physics and a BS in Chemistry from Zhejiang University in China.