Value-Based Management Is an Integral Part of Our Corporate Policies
Its purpose is to achieve a lasting increase in our company’s value. WACKER’s key financial performance indicators are EBITDA margin and ROCE (return on capital employed). The EBITDA margin indicates how successful the company is compared with the competition, while ROCE shows how efficiently the company employs its capital.
EBITDA and net cash flow are also important for management control. Additionally, BVC (business value contribution) is used as a dedicated budget parameter.
Value management and strategic planning complement each other. Accordingly, we align the strategic positioning of a business entity with its contribution to increasing the company’s value. In our annual planning process, we make fundamental decisions covering capital expenditure, innovation projects, measures to tap new markets and other project undertakings.
We always benchmark ourselves against the market’s best, ensuring that we innovate and invest so that our customers have new, high-value products and solutions going forward. Our target is growth that is both profitable and financed with positive cash flow.