2023 EUROPEAN COATINGS SHOW - New dispersions from WACKER help hydrophobic waterproofing membranes do a better job of bridging cracks

Munich, Mar 02, 2023

The WACKER Chemical Group has developed two new hydrophobic dispersions for waterproofing buildings at low temperatures: VINNAPAS® 754 ED and VINNAPAS® 764 ED. VINNAPAS® 754 ED is used as an additive in two-part waterproofing membranes. It retains its crack-bridging ability at temperatures as low as ‒5 degrees Celsius. VINNAPAS® 764 ED, on the other hand, can accomplish the same feat even at ‒20 degrees Celsius. The company will be presenting both products at the European Coatings Show (ECS), to be held in Nuremberg, Germany, March 28 – 30, 2023.

WACKER will be at ECS 2023 to present two new polymer dispersions for formulating waterproofing membranes: VINNAPAS® 754 ED and VINNAPAS® 764 ED. These dispersions make waterproofing mortars easier to work with and help them bridge cracks even at temperatures below freezing. (Photo: WACKER)

Preventing water and moisture damage is one of the most important challenges involved in the medium- and long-term upkeep of buildings. One option for protecting balconies, bathtubs and other surfaces from water penetration is to apply cementitious waterproofing membranes. When these set, they form a self-contained, water-repellent film which is flexible enough to bridge the cracks in the sub-floor that result when the building settles or when temperatures and other weather conditions fluctuate. Depending on the field of application, these types of waterproofing products may even perform at very low temperatures. Polymeric binders blended in during the manufacturing process provide the necessary flexibility and hydrophobicity. Additives like these can constitute as much as 30 percent of the waterproofing membrane.

WACKER has recently developed two polymer dispersions to meet this set of product requirements: VINNAPAS® 754 ED and VINNAPAS® 764 ED. Both products are terpolymers based on vinyl acetate, ethylene and vinyl ester. They are used as hydrophobic binders in two-part cements and help to bond the end product reliably and permanently, even on difficult substrates.

Crack-bridging test according to EN 14891: Waterproofing membranes formulated with VINNAPAS® 754 ED and VINNAPAS® 764 ED can compensate for cracks even at temperatures below freezing, thus reliably protecting the building from water penetration. (Photo: WACKER)

The new dispersions have been optimized to achieve excellent processing properties and to bridge cracks, even at very low tem-peratures. The dispersions complement and expand the existing VINNAPAS® range for waterproofing membranes.

VINNAPAS® 764 ED meets class O2 requirements as defined in EN 14891, which establishes flexibility and crack-bridging properties for temperatures down to -20 degrees Celsius. The material does not transition to a brittle vitreous state until reaching temperatures as low as approximately -30 degrees Celsius. VINNAPAS® 754 ED remains sufficiently flexible and bridges cracks at -5 degrees Celsius, thus meeting the class O1 requirements specified in the standard. The viscosity of the product is also low, making two-part cementitious waterproofing membranes even easier to process.

Neither product contains any additional solvents, plasticizers or film formers. According to an assessment by the German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), this makes them suitable for contact with drinking water. VINNAPAS® 754 ED and VINNAPAS® 764 ED are ideally suited for formulating two-component waterproofing membranes for swimming pools, cellars and bathrooms, as well as water containers, canals, tunnels and more. When used properly, they provide long-term, reliable protection from water damage.

WACKER Academy Forum at ECS 2023

WACKER invites you to attend its topical lecture series at ECS. Experts will be on hand every day at the WACKER Academy Forum (Hall 1, Booth 1 312) between 9:30 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. to discuss the latest product and development trends in the construction, paints, coatings and sealants industries. The recurring theme of the talks will be issues of sustainability. On Tuesday, March 28, at 11:30 a.m., Peter Gigler, head of Corporate Sustainability at WACKER, will be giving a talk entitled “Race to Zero”, in which he will present the Group’s current sustainability goals. Detailed information on the entire WACKER Academy Forum lecture series is available at www.wacker.com/ecs.

Visit WACKER in Nuremberg at the 2023 European Coatings Show, Hall 1, Booth 1-206.


VINNAPAS® Membranes

VINNAPAS® Membranes

VINNAPAS® Membranes

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VINNAPAS® Crack Test

VINNAPAS® Crack Test

VINNAPAS® Crack Test

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Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations
Florian Degenhart

Tel. +49 89 6279-1601
Email florian.degenhart@wacker.com
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