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WACKER Tennessee

Since 2016, our new site in Charleston (Tennessee, USA) has been producing polysilicon for the photovoltaic industry. The new 2.5-billion-dollar site is WACKER’s single largest investment ever.

In 2019, a new pyrogenic-silica plant is due to come on stream there. In the medium term, we intend to grow Charleston into a fully integrated production site for the North American market.

US $2.5 billion plant investment

650 new jobs

550-acre greenfield site

Bradley County, Tennessee

Green Technology in the Green Countryside

The polysilicon production site in Charleston, Tennessee, is WACKER’s largest single investment ever, totaling some US$2.5 billion. WACKER began starting up individual plant sections in Charleston in December after a construction period of just under five years. In the coming months, we will gradually ramp up production and expect to reach Charleston’s full capacity in the third quarter of 2016.

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WACKER Tennessee

Get to know the production plant in Bradley County, Tennessee – how the construction process started, what it means for the county and what it takes to run it.

Wacker Polysilicon North America, LLC

553 Wacker Blvd
P.O. Box 446
Charleston, TN 37310-0446
United States
+1 423 780-7950

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