Our job test

Which job suits you? Take our test to find out!

If you’re not familiar with the various jobs out there, it's pretty hard to figure out which one you're best suited for. That's why we're helping you with this test. Just write down the answers - the evaluation at the end of the page will definitely help you in your search.


What are you especially interested in?

A Chemistry and experiments
B Organization and office work
C Working with my hands
D Haven't quite made up my mind yet
E I always want to know everything in detail


What are your strengths?

A I am very skilled with my hands
B I am good with people
C I have excellent spatial skills
D I can assert myself well
E I can concentrate very well for long periods of time


What's your favorite way to work?

A With my hands - in a concentrated and careful manner
B On the computer
C With my hands and large tools (pliers, welders, etc.)
D I like working on the computer, but I also like having contact to people
E I like combining theory with trial-and-error


What are/were your favorite subjects at school?

A Chemistry and physics
B German and foreign languages
C Physics and handicrafts
D Computer science and sports
E All natural sciences


What would you rather not do in your training?

A Heavy physical work
B Working alone in isolation
C Sitting only in front of the computer screen
D Uniform, monotonous work
E Pure memorization


You are supposed to build a birdhouse as part of your handicrafts class. How do you go about it?

A I can do it, I have the necessary skills
B I'll find someone who knows how to do it and is willing to join me
C I already have an idea. It’ll be weatherproof - out of metal!
D I already have a plan and I'm looking for someone to join in
E I'll take a close look at other birdhouses and then try to replicate one


What would you take with you to a desert island if you were allowed to pack only one item?

A A chemistry set - I'll mix something together
B Shell money - I'll find someone to buy something
C A saw - to build a raft
D A box of flares to get help
E A microscope - there’ll surely be a lot to explore and investigate


Mainly A
For you, a chemical profession such as chemical technician or chemical laboratory technician may be the right choice because you are talented in fine craftsmanship and interested in chemical phenomena.

Mainly B
You like to interacting with people and working in an office - in which case a commercial occupation may suit you.

Mainly C
Coming up with great designs, and then fiddling and tinkering with them until you get it right - that’s your thing. Great, that's exactly the kind of people we need. You can find suitable professions here.

Mainly D
You have many different talents and don't yet know exactly what you want? Then take a look at our commercial-technical professions . Here, we offer you a very wide range of jobs.

Mainly E
You want to know every detail - and then you check to see if they are actually true. Therefore, a dual study program might be a good fit for you. Here, you alternate between theory and practice.