Sustainable and Resource Efficient – BELSIL® eco
Nowadays, sustainability is more than just a good intention – it forms part of our global responsibility and corporate strategy. Against a background of ambitious climate goals, growing world popularion and dwindling fossil resources, environmentally sound production processes increasingly play a crucial role in marketing. BELSIL® eco is our response to tomorrow’s challenges.
Sustainability Unique Worldwide:
BELSIL® eco is produced using 100% bio-methanol instead of methanol. WACKER is thereby the world’s first chemical group to offer resource-efficient silicones for the cosmetics industry. Silicones with the desired special effects for make-up, haircare and skincare. Silicones that can be easily integrated into your products and production processes without extra overheads.

Inspected and Certified
In developing BELSIL® eco, our intention was to use raw materials efficiently and find an alternative to methanol. BELSIL® eco consists of bio-methanol obtained entirely from renewable raw materials, such as straw, grasses and sugar beet. Certified according to strict criteria, the BELSIL® eco manufacturing process and use of bio raw materials are continuously controlled by TÜV NORD.
Really Innovative. A Sales Driver in Different Ways
Some 55% of global consumers* already take sustainability into consideration when making purchases – and that trend is on the rise. Exploit this interest in sustainable production processes as a competitive advantage. By using BELSIL® eco, you are positioning yourself as an innovative manufacturer, and thus increasing your market opportunities. You also benefit from the natural growth of ecological markets. This growth is forecast to reach 5.6% annually by 2025.
*Nielsen-Studie 07/2014 **German Federal Environment Agency 09/2014
Optimally Usable Effective in Cosmetics
Simply replace classic BELSIL® silicones with BELSIL® eco products: As BELSIL® eco silicone are a genuine drop-in solution, you do not need to change anything – either in your formulation, your recipes or your production processes. BELSIL® special effects remain unchanged. Since, despite its renewable raw materials, BELSIL® eco is chemically identical. A 1:1 solution, with which you can realign your products and your production along ecological lines in order to achieve your brand’s sustainability targets.
Uniquely Sustainable. Versatile in Use
Whether in make-up, styling, haircare or skincare, BELSIL® eco is versatilely sustainable. Find the right BELSIL® eco product below: BELSIL® eco: DM 5, DM 10, DM 20, DM 100, DM 350 and DM 60.000