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WACKER POLYMERS is raising its prices for vinyl-acetate-ethylene-based copolymer dispersions, dispersible polymer powders and solid resins of its VINNAPAS®, VINNOL®, ETONIS®, VINNACEL® and SMARGO® brands worldwide.
Wacker Chemie AG’s Q1 2018 sales were on par with a year ago, while its earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) were substantially higher year over year.
Wacker Chemie AG today opened a new production site for silicone elastomers in South Korea.
As already reported, Wacker Chemie AG met or surpassed its own projections for all its performance indicators in 2017.
Today, Wacker Chemie AG’s Supervisory Board re-appointed Auguste Willems (59) to the Executive Board for another five years.
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