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VINNAPAS® solid resins are thermoplastic polyvinyl acetates (PVAc). They are used as low-profile additives for composites, hot-melt and structural adhesives and coatings.

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Concrete Protection

The new liquid resins plant at WACKER’s Nünchritz site will close key material loops and increase the availability of upstream products for the manufacture of binders for exterior paints and industrial coatings and for water-repellent building-protection agents. (Photo: WACKER)

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New silicone co-emulsion BELSIL® DADM 3240 E

WACKER’s new silicone co-emulsion BELSIL® DADM 3240 E has been developed for use in conditioners, hair treatments and leave-in products. The conditioning properties conferred by this product last much longer than those produced by conventional silicone emulsions.

(Photo: Wacker Chemie AG)

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Belsil DADM 3240 E

Two are better than one: silicone co-emulsion BELSIL® DADM 3240 E consists of an amodimethicone crosspolymer (orange) and a dimethicone (yellow). Thanks to its network structure (blue dots), the crosspolymer surrounds and protects the hair. It acts in synergy with the dimethicone to confer long-lasting conditioning properties. (Diagram: WACKER)

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Habitat for fauna and flora along the Alz canal

WACKER and the Altötting Landscape Conservation Association expand their biodiversity project

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