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Reset perimeterProfessor Bernhard Rieger
Professor Bernhard Rieger holds the WACKER Chair of Macromolecular Chemistry at the Technical University of Munich. (photo: Rieger)
Download picture (JPG, 741 KB)New Study Confirms That WACKER’s Antioxidant HTEssence® Promotes Heart Health
HTEssence®, available as a water-soluble powder or in liquid form, has a positive effect on heart health (photo: WACKER).
Download picture (JPG, 190 KB)New Study Confirms That WACKER’s Antioxidant HTEssence® Promotes Heart Health
High LDL (low density lipoprotein) levels are one main factor for the occurrence of coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis (diagram: WACKER).
Download picture (JPG, 45 KB)WACKER Inaugurates Global Competence Center for Thermal Interface Materials in Shanghai
WACKER’s new competence center in Shanghai will conduct fundamental research and develop novel silicone-based thermal interface materials for the fast growing electrical vehicle market, for consumer electronics and for the telecommunication industries. (Photo: WACKER)
Download picture (JPG, 136 KB)SeungA Lee received the Alexander Wacker Innovation Award
SeungA Lee from Wacker Chemicals Korea received the Alexander Wacker Innovation Award for the development of novel silicone resins for optical bonding applications. (Photo: WACKER)
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