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Reset perimeterHDK Packaging
Charleston HDK plant
A view of the new pyrogenic silica production facility (left) and the polysilicon plant (right) at the Charleston site. The WACKER Group has been manu-facturing hyperpure multicrystalline silicon in Tennessee, USA, since 2016. (Photo: WACKER)
Download picture (750x498px) (JPG, 157 KB)Charleston HDK lab
The Charleston site operates its own application and R&D labs for pyro-genic silica. Here, HDK® formulations are adapted to the specific needs of WACKER’s customers in the Americas region. (Photo: WACKER)
Download picture (750x500px) (JPG, 118 KB)WACKER_SILRES
Download picture (2303x1535px) (JPG, 502 KB)Charleston HDK packaging
The filling system for pyrogenic silica at the Charleston site. A fully automated process is used here for packaging pyrogenic silica in so called Big Bags. (Photo: WACKER)
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