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press pictures

VINNAPAS EP 3560_Wall-paint

press pictures

ACEO Aortic Valve

Anatomical model of an aortic valve printed with silicone rubber. ACEO®’s 3D technology enables realistic reproductions of human organs and the manufacturing of biocompatible silicone rubber components increasingly needed in science and in the healthcare industry.

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press pictures

VINNAPAS EP 3560_test piece

A WACKER laboratory assistant applies paint formulated with VINNAPAS® EP 3560 to an autoclaved-aerated-concrete-block test piece.

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press pictures

Nexiva_powder form

Paint containing NEXIVA® in powder form (left) and redispersed with water (right).

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VINNAPAS tile adhesive

Dry-mix mortars modified with VINNAPAS® 8812 T are notable for their long open times and very good non-slump properties.

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