Sustainability Forum: Calvert City honored as sustainability ambassador 2019
Munich, Jan 27, 2020
“Daily CO2 footprint – how accurate is my estimate?” This is the kind of question employees attending the first WACKER Sustainability Forum discussed at HQ in Munich. Experts from Corporate Sustainability, the business divisions and Corporate Communications presented different aspects of sustainability at WACKER and the sustainability ambassador was announced.

With WACKER’s Sustainability Week 2019, Corporate Sustainability initiated activities across the Group to promote sustainable development. The event encouraged colleagues to develop ideas to improve or change sustainability aspects in the spirit of UN sustainability goal 12: Sustainable Consumption and Production. Examples of groupwide projects: using reusable packaging, taking a train or bicycle instead of the car, communicating via video conferences instead of booking flights, adapting production processes, promoting sustainable consumption, involving customers more in the sustainability dialog, leveraging digitalization to implement sustainable concepts in production, designing office and meeting rooms along sustainable lines and putting upcycling ideas into practice, such as repurposing industrial vats to make furniture.
Over 50 teams across the Group participated in the initiative with the polymers site, Calvert City in Kentucky, taking the sustainability ambassador 2019 title conferred by the Sustainability Council. The team committed to sustainability presented a variety of activities in a video. The basic idea was to either reuse the material themselves, or to donate it for the greater good of both the environment and society. This included little things like collecting coffee filters for composting or supporting the local scouting organization with donations.

Dr. Markus Haider, head of Corporate Sustainability presented some impressions of the activities and topics surrounding sustainability at WACKER at the first Sustainability Forum in Munich. Colleagues from the business divisions and corporate departments introduced sustainable products like BELSIL® Eco and VINNECO®, which are based on renewable raw materials. The Sustainability Platform introduced WACKER Sustainable Solutions, explained the product rating tool PARC developed by WACKER and gave information on the online sustainability report which addresses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the seven SDGs WACKER is focusing on.

Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations
Petra Hettich
Tel. +49 89 6279-1303
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