Double Density
After production, HDK® N20P Pharma is mechanically compressed, increasing its tap density from 40 g/L to 100 g/L.
For medications in tablet, powder or liquid form: highly pure HDK® pyrogenic silica has now become an indispensable part of the pharmaceutical industry. As an excipient it improves the flow properties of powders and liquids, and enhances the quality of tablet and capsule manufacturing processes. So is it really a heavyweight? Definitely not.
A unique feature of HDK® is its low density. One liter of the ultrapure HDK® N20 Pharma weighs just 40 g. This is identical to HDK® N20P Pharma, except that it was mechanically compressed after production. What purpose does that serve? See for yourself!
After production, HDK® N20P Pharma is mechanically compressed, increasing its tap density from 40 g/L to 100 g/L.
One bag of HDK® N20P Pharma weighs 20 kg – 2 times as much as a bag of HDK® N20 Pharma.
Pharmaceutical manufacturers require fewer bags of HDK® N20P Pharma for production.
More in each bag means fewer bags – and less space needed for shipping.
Fewer bags, of course, require less space in the warehouse.
Less dust means less cleaning. That also reduces the need for workplace ventilation.
Dust formation in production goes down – as do losses due to dust.
More in the bag means less packaging material – and that, in turn, means less garbage.