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Simply VINNAPAS®: Benefits in Skim Coat and Wall Putty

Why modify skim coat or wall putty with VINNAPAS®? In this short video clip from our “simply VINNAPAS®” series, we summarize the impact of VINNAPAS® on chalking resistance, paint adhesion and hydrophobicity.

Skim Coat / wall putty are applied to produce very smooth, fine, and even surfaces with an especially thin coat of mortar. However, quality is not solely determined by how smooth the surface is; paint adhesion and chalking resistance are also important. Both can be improved significantly by adding VINNAPAS® dispersible polymer powder to the formulation.

This short clip shows why and how polymer-modified skim coat / wall putty achieve a new level of quality .

Find Out More about Our Solutions for Skim Coat / Wall Putty

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SILRES® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

This seminar will teach participants what they need to know to make ideal use of potential opportunities for silicones in construction chemicals.


VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Distributors

In addition to providing an introduction to the chemical processes underlying our polymeric binders, this course will focus primarily on reviewing their most important applications.


VINNAPAS® for Construction Applications II

Europe (Burghausen) | Instructor-led training | Customers

This seminar will give you a more in-depth understanding of cement, polymeric binders and their applications.
