For Watertight Results
Waterproofing systems are used wherever water contacts buildings. They adhere well to substrates and are easy to apply. To ensure that waterproofing membranes afford reliable and lasting protection against water, they are modified with VINNAPAS® dispersions or dispersible polymer powders. The following short videos show why this is so, what the advantages are and what standards have to be met.
Testing What Matters
Waterproofing systems are designed to provide lasting protection against water – even when under hydrostatic pressure or in protracted contact with water. In our Technical Competence Centers, we test formulations in accordance with current standards and customer requirements to ensure that the waterproofing system delivers what it promises under the local climatic conditions.

WACKER tests waterproofing systems in its Technical Competence Centers all around the globe. The WACKER ACADEMY also offers training on waterproofing systems.
Interested in our training courses for waterproofing systems? Visit: WACKER ACADEMY!