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The WACKER ACADEMY Team of Instructors
The WACKER ACADEMY team is available all over the world to further your professional development. We offer customized seminars and education solutions for your business needs – in theory and practice, and in keeping with the state of the art. Our certified instructors and moderators will share their knowledge, bringing to bear their curiosity, expertise and comprehensive understanding of new trends and markets.

Instructors at the WACKER ACADEMY of South America (São Paulo)
Evelyn Américo
Evelyn has over 20 years’ experience in textile applications and with chemical products for the textile industries, having worked as an analytical and an R&D chemist and as a technical manager supporting customer development. She joined WACKER in 2010 as technical manager for the Textiles, Chemical Industry and Industrial Coatings market segments in the Latin America region. She is currently responsible for the Textile and Release Coatings business in Latin America. Evelyn holds a technical qualification in Textiles from SENAI Francisco Matarazzo, as well as a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, a graduate degree in EHS from SENAC (Serviço Nacional de Aprendizagem Comercial) and an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
José Roberto Ragazzi Carvalho
Roberto graduated from the Federal University of São Carlos (UFSCar) in Materials Science and Engineering. He is a specialist in plastics and rubbers with over 10 years’ experience in polymeric materials, focusing on silicone chemistry. His career has centered on the automotive industry, the medical and energy sectors, electrical equipment and several other markets. He joined WACKER in 2012, left in 2014 and returned in 2017, always developing projects, technically supporting customers and managing sales in the domain of silicone elastomers and resins.Roberto also holds an MBA in Marketing and Communications from the University of São Paulo (USP).
Juliana A. Carvalho da Fonseca
Juliana is a technical manager for adhesives and sealants (RTV-1) based on silane-modified polymers and for construction silicones. Working at WACKER Brazil since 2016, her main focus is on developing new applications and solutions for the construction industry in South America. She graduated in Chemistry from São Bernardo College in São Bernardo do Campo and holds an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Ricardo Gouvea
Pedro Marani
Technical Manager for Construction Silicones in South America, Pedro Marani is a Bachelor in Chemistry from University of São Paulo, Master in Polymer Chemistry from University of São Paulo and MBA in Innovation Manager from Business School Sao Paulo, with more than a decade of experience in the Construction Chemicals industry in companies such as Dow Chemical and MC-Bauchemie. Working in Wacker Brasil since 2013, his main activities are in silicone specialties for the construction and coatings industry, developing new applications and solutions for the local market.
Luís Felipe Guimarães Moraes
Luis has over 9 years’ experience with construction chemical products. He joined WACKER as a laboratory apprentice in 2010. Over the years he has gained experience in product development and applications for the construction industry, with major technical expertise in construction chemicals and development of local VINNAPAS® classes. He is currently responsible for technical support to customers and to the Sales department. He obtained a degree in Chemical Engineering from Faculdades Oswaldo Cruz in 2012, and then obtained a graduate degree in Industrial Management from the University of São Paulo in 2016.
André Nagamine
A technical manager for Construction Polymers in South America, André Nagamine holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Oswaldo Cruz University and a specialist qualification in Project Management from Fundação Vanzolini, with over 10 years of experience in the construction chemicals industry at companies such as Sika and H.B. Fuller. Working at WACKER Brazil since 2010, his main activities involve developing new applications and solutions for the construction industry in South America.
Angelita Saul
Angelita has over 17 years’ experience in coatings and adhesives technologies, working as analytical and R&D chemist. She started working for WACKER in 2014, as a Technical Manager for dispersion polymers and special resins in Latin America region. Angelita has bachelor’s degree in Industrial Chemistry by Universidade Luterana do Brasil (ULBRA) and master’s degree in Chemistry at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), in which she has studied smart coatings and advanced techniques in anticorrosion coatings. She is currently taking her MBA in Business Administration at Fundação Getúlio Vargas.
Sílvio Blanco Vernabel
Sílvio Vernabel is a technical manager for pulp and industrial defoamers, the chemical industry and silicone coatings for the self-adhesive industry in South America, with extensive experience in product development and customer application support. He graduated in Industrial Chemistry from Oswaldo Cruz College in São Paulo and holds an MBA in Sales and Marketing from ESAMC College in Sorocaba and an MBA in Business Management from Fundação Getúlio Vargas. He additionally holds a Project Management qualification from FIA.
Pedro Vitorino
An application chemist for pulp & industrial defoamers, plastic additives, the chemical industry and silicone coatings for the self-adhesive industry in South America, Pedro has more than 10 years of experience in product development and customer application support. Having previously graduated in Chemistry from Oswaldo Cruz College in São Paulo, he is currently pursuing postgraduate studies in Industrial Administration at the University of São Paulo.