Thermal Insulation in a Desert Climate: Sustainable Construction in the Middle East – Using Polymeric Binders to Save Energy and Protect the Climate
Jun 04, 2009
Wacker Chemie AG
Media Relations & Information
Nadine Baumgartl
Tel. +49 89 6279-1604
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EIFS Building Site Syria
EIFS Building Site Syria
Construction workers fit an exterior insulation and finish system to a house in Syria. In a pilot project, WACKER experts helped to develop an optimal adhesive-mortar formulation to suit the climatic conditions in Damascus.
EIFS Building Syria
EIFS Building Syria
Reference building in Syria: equipping buildings with state-of-the-art EIFS results in long-term energy savings and thus helps protect the climate.
EIFS Insulation
EIFS Insulation
VINNAPAS® polymer powder is added to the adhesive mortar to ensure a stable bond between the EIFS insulation materials and the wall.