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瓦克的有机硅产品以高效的热管理与高度的耐温性,能够满足汽车制造领域对能量转换苛刻的要求。我们最新开发的产品,粘接强度提升迅速,且能耗极低(在60°C至80°C时 < 10分钟),特种系列甚至可做到无烘箱固化。
- 在很大的温度范围内保持低度弹性模量
- 降低机械应力和热应力
- 在-90°C至200°C以上的温度范围内保持高度稳定性(特种系列最高可耐受230℃)
- 导热
- 低能量固化,固化迅速
- 改善散热(热管理)
- 不渗油,无渗液
- 耐燃料,耐油
- 抗撕裂强度高
- 可压缩
- 密封/粘接壳体组件(就地固化垫片、就地成型垫片、预成型垫片)
- 灌封或封装(包括围堰填充)电子元件,以提供保护
- 防抱死刹车系统
- 发动机控制器
- 空气流量计
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Technical data
Viscosity, dynamic | Hardness Shore A | Tensile strength | Elongation at break | 动态粘度 | Tear strength | Penetration | Hardness Shore 00 | ||
SEMICOSIL® 811 | - - | 30 30 | 3 N/mm²[12] 3 N/mm²[12] | 300 %[15] 300 %[15] | 350000 mPa·s[1] 350000 mPa·s[1] | 8 N/mm[7] 8 N/mm[7] | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 9242 | 20000 mPa·s[2] 20000 mPa·s[2] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV A | 150.0 mPa·s[3] 150.0 mPa·s[3] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 40[18] 40[18] | |
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV B | 150.0 mPa·s[3] 150.0 mPa·s[3] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 40[18] 40[18] | |
SEMICOSIL® 986/1K | 300000 mPa·s[4] 300000 mPa·s[4] | 51[9] 51[9] | 5 N/mm²[13] 5 N/mm²[13] | 200 %[16] 200 %[16] | - - | 8 N/mm[8] 8 N/mm[8] | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 987 GR | 350000 mPa·s[4] 350000 mPa·s[4] | 50[10] 50[10] | 5 N/mm²[13] 5 N/mm²[13] | 200 %[16] 200 %[16] | - - | - - | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 9882 A/B | 350000 mPa·s[5] 350000 mPa·s[5] | 32[11] 32[11] | 5 N/mm²[14] 5 N/mm²[14] | 400 %[17] 400 %[17] | - - | - - | - - | - - | |
WACKER SilGel® 612 A/B | 1000 mPa·s[6] 1000 mPa·s[6] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 300 1/10mm[19] 300 1/10mm[19] | - - |
[1] 动态粘度 D=0.5 s⁻¹ | 25.0 °C | ISO 3219, [2] Viscosity, D=0.5 1/s | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [3] Viscosity, dynamic | 25.0 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219, [4] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 s⁻¹) | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [5] Viscosity, dynamic Rot. dyn., component A | 25 °C | 0.5 1/s | ISO 3219, D = 0.5 1/s, [6] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [7] Tear strength | DIN 53504 S 2 / ISO 37, [8] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B, [9] Hardness Shore A | ISO 868, [10] Hardness Shore A | ASTM D 2240, [11] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4, [12] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [13] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2, [14] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1, [15] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C / 15 min, [16] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2, [17] Elongation at break | ISO 37 Type 1 / 23°C / t = 2 mm, [18] Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM D 2240 | 10 sec 140 mW/cm² followed by 30 min 150°C, [19] Penetration | DIN ISO 2137 | 150 g hollow cone, 1 min., [] Suited, [] Well suited, [] Ideally suited
[1] 动态粘度 D=0.5 s⁻¹ | 25.0 °C | ISO 3219, [2] Viscosity, D=0.5 1/s | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [3] Viscosity, dynamic | 25.0 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219, [4] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 s⁻¹) | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [5] Viscosity, dynamic Rot. dyn., component A | 25 °C | 0.5 1/s | ISO 3219, D = 0.5 1/s, [6] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [7] Tear strength | DIN 53504 S 2 / ISO 37, [8] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B, [9] Hardness Shore A | ISO 868, [10] Hardness Shore A | ASTM D 2240, [11] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4, [12] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [13] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2, [14] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1, [15] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C / 15 min, [16] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2, [17] Elongation at break | ISO 37 Type 1 / 23°C / t = 2 mm, [18] Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM D 2240 | 10 sec 140 mW/cm² followed by 30 min 150°C, [19] Penetration | DIN ISO 2137 | 150 g hollow cone, 1 min., [] Suited, [] Well suited, [] Ideally suited
- 在热源(电子器件)和散热片(主动或被动式冷却系统)之间建立持久粘接,以达到散热效果(热管理)
- 防潮,耐氧化,耐化学品性,防振
- 延长使用寿命,提高效率
- 变压器
- 逆变器
- 车载充电器
- 升压器
- 感应式充电
- 保形涂料(电路板保护)
- 密封连接器和壳体
- 选择性(触变性)灌封功率模块和IGBT(绝缘栅双极型晶体管)
- 灌封敏感电子元件,包括围堰填充
- 导热填隙材料、导热封装胶、导热硅脂、导热胶
- 密封连接器和壳体
- 灌封
- 介电强度通常 > 20 kV/mm
- 体积电阻率(IEC 60093)> 10 Ω·c
Product Recommendations
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Table is scrollable
Technical data
Viscosity, dynamic | Hardness Shore A | Tensile strength | Elongation at break | Tear strength | Penetration | Hardness Shore 00 | ||
ELASTOSIL® RT 745 T A/B | 1000 mPa·s[1] 1000 mPa·s[1] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 37[13] 37[13] | |
ELASTOSIL® RT 745 T A/B KR | 1000 mPa·s[1] 1000 mPa·s[1] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 37[13] 37[13] | |
ELASTOSIL® RT 745 T A/B KR | 1000 mPa·s[1] 1000 mPa·s[1] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 37[13] 37[13] | |
SEMICOSIL® 811 | 350000 mPa·s[2] 350000 mPa·s[2] | 30 30 | 3 N/mm²[22] 3 N/mm²[22] | 300 %[26] 300 %[26] | 8 N/mm[16] 8 N/mm[16] | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 9242 | 20000 mPa·s[3] 20000 mPa·s[3] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV A | 150.0 mPa·s[4] 150.0 mPa·s[4] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 40[14] 40[14] | |
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV B | 150.0 mPa·s[4] 150.0 mPa·s[4] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 40[14] 40[14] | |
SEMICOSIL® 950 UV B | 1000 mPa·s[5] 1000 mPa·s[5] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 40.0[15] 40.0[15] | |
SEMICOSIL® 961 TC A/B | 130000 mPa·s[6] 130000 mPa·s[6] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 55[13] 55[13] | |
SEMICOSIL® 962 TC A/B | 150000 mPa·s[7] 150000 mPa·s[7] | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 50[13] 50[13] | |
SEMICOSIL® 986/1K | 300000 mPa·s[8] 300000 mPa·s[8] | 51[18] 51[18] | 5 N/mm²[23] 5 N/mm²[23] | 200 %[27] 200 %[27] | 8 N/mm[17] 8 N/mm[17] | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 987 GR | 350000 mPa·s[8] 350000 mPa·s[8] | 50[19] 50[19] | 5 N/mm²[23] 5 N/mm²[23] | 200 %[27] 200 %[27] | - - | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 988/1K GRAY KR | 440000 mPa·s[9] 440000 mPa·s[9] | - - | 4.5 N/mm²[24] 4.5 N/mm²[24] | 350 %[28] 350 %[28] | - - | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 988/1K GREY | 440000.0 mPa·s[10] 440000.0 mPa·s[10] | 35[20] 35[20] | 4.5 N/mm²[24] 4.5 N/mm²[24] | 350 %[28] 350 %[28] | - - | - - | - - | |
SEMICOSIL® 9882 A/B | 350000 mPa·s[11] 350000 mPa·s[11] | 32[21] 32[21] | 5 N/mm²[25] 5 N/mm²[25] | 400 %[29] 400 %[29] | - - | - - | - - | |
WACKER SilGel® 612 A/B | 1000 mPa·s[12] 1000 mPa·s[12] | - - | - - | - - | - - | 300 1/10mm[30] 300 1/10mm[30] | - - | |
WACKER SilGel® 613 | - - | - - | - - | - - | - - | 70 1/10mm[31] 70 1/10mm[31] | - - |
[1] Viscosity, dynamic | ISO 3219, [2] Viscosity, dynamic D=0.5 s⁻¹ | 25.0 °C | ISO 3219, [3] Viscosity, D=0.5 1/s | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [4] Viscosity, dynamic | 25.0 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219, [5] Viscosity, dynamic | DIN EN ISO 3219 | A: SEMICOSIL® 949 UV A; B: SEMICOSIL® 950 UV B, [6] Viscosity, dynamic Cone-plate-viscosimeter Component A | 23 °C | ISO 3219, D = 10 1/s, [7] Viscosity, dynamic (Cone-plateviscosimeter) | 23 °C | ISO 3219, D = 10 1/s, [8] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 s⁻¹) | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [9] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 sec⁻¹) | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [10] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 sec⁻¹) | 25.0 °C | ISO 3219, [11] Viscosity, dynamic Rot. dyn., component A | 25 °C | 0.5 1/s | ISO 3219, D = 0.5 1/s, [12] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [13] Hardness Shore 00 | ASTM D 2240, [14] Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM D 2240 | 10 sec 140 mW/cm² followed by 30 min 150°C, [15] Hardness Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM 2240 / Type 00 | Curing Conditions: 10 sec / 140 mW/cm2 followed by 30 min 150°C; measured@23°C, [16] Tear strength | DIN 53504 S 2 / ISO 37, [17] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B, [18] Hardness Shore A | ISO 868, [19] Hardness Shore A | ASTM D 2240, [20] Hardness Shore A | ASTM D 2240 | Measured at 23°C; Cured for 30 min at 150°C in a circulating oven, [21] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4, [22] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [23] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2, [24] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2 | measured at 23°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [25] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1, [26] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C / 15 min, [27] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2, [28] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2 | measured at 23°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [29] Elongation at break | ISO 37 Type 1 / 23°C / t = 2 mm, [30] Penetration | DIN ISO 2137 | 150 g hollow cone, 1 min., [31] Penetration (hollow cone, 9.38 g) | DIN ISO 2137, [] Suited, [] Well suited, [] Ideally suited
[1] Viscosity, dynamic | ISO 3219, [2] Viscosity, dynamic D=0.5 s⁻¹ | 25.0 °C | ISO 3219, [3] Viscosity, D=0.5 1/s | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [4] Viscosity, dynamic | 25.0 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219, [5] Viscosity, dynamic | DIN EN ISO 3219 | A: SEMICOSIL® 949 UV A; B: SEMICOSIL® 950 UV B, [6] Viscosity, dynamic Cone-plate-viscosimeter Component A | 23 °C | ISO 3219, D = 10 1/s, [7] Viscosity, dynamic (Cone-plateviscosimeter) | 23 °C | ISO 3219, D = 10 1/s, [8] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 s⁻¹) | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [9] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 sec⁻¹) | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [10] Viscosity, dynamic (D = 0.5 sec⁻¹) | 25.0 °C | ISO 3219, [11] Viscosity, dynamic Rot. dyn., component A | 25 °C | 0.5 1/s | ISO 3219, D = 0.5 1/s, [12] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | ISO 3219, [13] Hardness Shore 00 | ASTM D 2240, [14] Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM D 2240 | 10 sec 140 mW/cm² followed by 30 min 150°C, [15] Hardness Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM 2240 / Type 00 | Curing Conditions: 10 sec / 140 mW/cm2 followed by 30 min 150°C; measured@23°C, [16] Tear strength | DIN 53504 S 2 / ISO 37, [17] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B, [18] Hardness Shore A | ISO 868, [19] Hardness Shore A | ASTM D 2240, [20] Hardness Shore A | ASTM D 2240 | Measured at 23°C; Cured for 30 min at 150°C in a circulating oven, [21] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4, [22] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [23] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2, [24] Tensile strength | DIN 53504 S2 | measured at 23°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [25] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1, [26] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2 | measured@25°C on pressed sheet 165°C / 15 min, [27] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2, [28] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S2 | measured at 23°C on pressed sheet 165°C/15 min, [29] Elongation at break | ISO 37 Type 1 / 23°C / t = 2 mm, [30] Penetration | DIN ISO 2137 | 150 g hollow cone, 1 min., [31] Penetration (hollow cone, 9.38 g) | DIN ISO 2137, [] Suited, [] Well suited, [] Ideally suited