我们的系统检测到您来自 美国,但当前设定的国家/地区为中国大陆。 您仍然要更您的国家/地区吗?





  • 良好的力学性能
  • 优异的介电性能
  • 即用型
  • 双组分体系
  • 超低粘度液体橡胶
  • 在合适的计量混合系统中表现出优异的加工特性
  • 出色的耐漏电起痕性和耐腐蚀性


  • 具有优异的憎水性、耐热性、耐紫外辐射性及抗臭氧性,使用寿命很长
  • 重量轻,易于操作
  • 柔韧性佳,具有出色的韧性和抗冲击强度
  • 带憎水性表面,耐闪络性高
  • 具有憎水性迁移效果,维护成本低


  • 采用低压成型工艺,具有出色的工艺安全性和柔韧性
  • 重量轻(比陶瓷绝缘子轻80%),易于操作
  • 柔韧性佳,具有出色的韧性和抗冲击强度
  • 带憎水性表面,耐闪络性高


  • 具有优异的憎水性,操作可靠性高
  • 可对现有装置进行翻新,性价比高
  • 有机硅涂层可延长绝缘子使用寿命(10年甚至更长)



Product properties
外观 Shore density A Breaking strength 动态粘度 Tear-growth resistance 断裂伸长率 锥入度 耐久性 流变性 具体特征
POWERSIL® 310 MH light gray, dark gray light gray, dark gray 70[1] 70[1] 5.0 N/mm²[2] 5.0 N/mm²[2] - - 11 N/mm[4] 11 N/mm[4] 200 %[3] 200 %[3] - - - - 高极限氧指数(LOI), 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 优异的疏水性
POWERSIL® 3100 MH light gray light gray 70[1] 70[1] 4.5 N/mm²[2] 4.5 N/mm²[2] - - 20 N/mm[4] 20 N/mm[4] 350 %[3] 350 %[3] - - - - 双组分, 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 优异的疏水性
POWERSIL® GEL A/B - - - - - - 1000 mPa·s[5] 1000 mPa·s[5] - - - - 300 1/10mm[9] 300 1/10mm[9] - - -
POWERSIL® GEL C 670 A/B - - - - - - 3000 mPa·s[6] 3000 mPa·s[6] - - - - 220 1/10mm[9] 220 1/10mm[9] - - -
POWERSIL® GEL FC A/B - - - - - - 1000 mPa·s[6] 1000 mPa·s[6] - - - - 180 1/10mm[9] 180 1/10mm[9] - - -
POWERSIL® INSULATOR FINISH - - - - 1.4 N/mm²[2] 1.4 N/mm²[2] 200000 mPa·s[7] 200000 mPa·s[7] 5.0 N/mm[4] 5.0 N/mm[4] 500 %[3] 500 %[3] - - 耐电痕性和腐蚀性 自流平 -
POWERSIL® N 553 DARKGREY - - 60[1] 60[1] 3.0 N/mm²[2] 3.0 N/mm²[2] 4000 mPa·s[8] 4000 mPa·s[8] 9.0 N/mm[4] 9.0 N/mm[4] 100 %[3] 100 %[3] - - - - -
POWERSIL® XLR® 630 A/B light gray light gray 35[1] 35[1] 7.0 N/mm²[2] 7.0 N/mm²[2] - - 25 N/mm[4] 25 N/mm[4] 450 %[3] 450 %[3] - - - - 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 低粘度
WACKER® PRIMER G 790 TOLUENE FREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 增粘底涂, 溶剂型
WACKER® PRIMER G 791 A/B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 增粘底涂, 溶剂型
[1] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [2] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [3] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [4] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [5] 动态粘度 (混合物) | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [6] 动态粘度 (10 s⁻¹) | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [7] 动态粘度 | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [8] 动态粘度 | 25 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [9] Penetration (Hardness) | DIN ISO 2137 | 150g cone / 60s penetration time,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 



Product properties
外观 Shore density A Breaking strength 动态粘度 断裂伸长率 Tear-growth resistance 压缩变形 具体特征
POWERSIL® 310 MH light gray, dark gray light gray, dark gray 70[1] 70[1] 5.0 N/mm²[2] 5.0 N/mm²[2] - - 200 %[3] 200 %[3] 11 N/mm[4] 11 N/mm[4] - - 高极限氧指数(LOI), 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 优异的疏水性
POWERSIL® 3100 MH light gray light gray 70[1] 70[1] 4.5 N/mm²[2] 4.5 N/mm²[2] - - 350 %[3] 350 %[3] 20 N/mm[4] 20 N/mm[4] - - 双组分, 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 优异的疏水性
POWERSIL® 3500 MH red, light grey red, light grey 45[1] 45[1] 10.0 N/mm²[2] 10.0 N/mm²[2] - - 850 %[3] 850 %[3] 30 N/mm[4] 30 N/mm[4] 20 %[5] 20 %[5] 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 加成固化
POWERSIL® 3525 MH pearl orange, blue grey pearl orange, blue grey 23[1] 23[1] 9.5 N/mm²[2] 9.5 N/mm²[2] - - 1100 %[3] 1100 %[3] 30 N/mm[4] 30 N/mm[4] - - 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 加成固化
POWERSIL® 600 A/B - - 30[1] 30[1] 8.0 N/mm²[2] 8.0 N/mm²[2] 10000 mPa·s[6] 10000 mPa·s[6] 500 %[3] 500 %[3] 22 N/mm[4] 22 N/mm[4] - - -
POWERSIL® XLR® 630 A/B - - 35[1] 35[1] 7.0 N/mm²[2] 7.0 N/mm²[2] - - 450 %[3] 450 %[3] 25 N/mm[4] 25 N/mm[4] - - 耐电痕性和腐蚀性, 低粘度
WACKER® PRIMER G 790 TOLUENE FREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 增粘底涂, 溶剂型
WACKER® PRIMER G 791 A/B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 增粘底涂, 溶剂型
[1] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [2] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [3] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [4] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [5] 压缩变形 | 22 h | 175 °C | DIN ISO 815-1 type B method A | post-cured 4 h / 200 °C,  [6] 动态粘度 (混合物) | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 



Product properties
Tear-growth resistance 动态粘度 Shore density A Breaking strength 断裂伸长率 监管 流变性
POWERSIL® 567 9.0 N/mm[1] 9.0 N/mm[1] 1400 mPa·s[2] 1400 mPa·s[2] 45[4] 45[4] 3.0 N/mm²[5] 3.0 N/mm²[5] 250 %[6] 250 %[6] - -
POWERSIL® 577 PLUS - - 350000 mPa·s[3] 350000 mPa·s[3] - - - - - - 不含溶剂 -
POWERSIL® 590 - - - - - - - - - - - 易流动的
POWERSIL® 79032 - - - - - - - - - - - -
[1] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [2] 动态粘度 (10 s⁻¹) | 23 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [3] 动态粘度 (0.1 %形变时) | DIN 54458,  [4] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [5] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [6] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 




  • 出色的介电性能
  • 在很宽的温度范围内保持永久弹性
  • 优异的憎水性、耐热性、耐紫外辐射性及抗臭氧性
  • 极佳的耐漏电起痕性
  • 卓越的耐电弧性


  • 固体硅橡胶(HTV)
  • 液体硅橡胶(LSR)
  • 超低粘度体系(POWERSIL® XLR®
  • 室温固化体系(RTV-2)

Product Recommendations

Table is scrollable
Technical data
Product properties
外观 Shore density A Hardness Shore A Tensile strength Elongation at break Tear strength Compression Set Penetration Specific Features
ELASTOSIL® LR 3002/35 A/B colourless colourless 33[1] 33[1] - - 7.0 N/mm²[3] 7.0 N/mm²[3] 460 %[4] 460 %[4] 29 N/mm[5] 29 N/mm[5] 11 %[6] 11 %[6] - - Low viscosity, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/20 TR A/B transparent transparent 22[1] 22[1] - - 8.3 N/mm²[3] 8.3 N/mm²[3] 870 %[4] 870 %[4] 24 N/mm[5] 24 N/mm[5] 17 %[6] 17 %[6] - - Food-contact, General purpose, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/30 A/B transparent transparent 30[1] 30[1] - - 7.0 N/mm²[3] 7.0 N/mm²[3] 610 %[4] 610 %[4] 21 N/mm[5] 21 N/mm[5] 10 %[6] 10 %[6] - - Food-contact, General purpose, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/40 A/B transparent transparent 40[1] 40[1] - - 10.0 N/mm²[3] 10.0 N/mm²[3] 610 %[4] 610 %[4] 30 N/mm[5] 30 N/mm[5] 11 %[6] 11 %[6] - - Food-contact, General purpose, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/50 A/B transparent transparent 50[1] 50[1] - - 10.3 N/mm²[3] 10.3 N/mm²[3] 490 %[4] 490 %[4] 26 N/mm[5] 26 N/mm[5] 13 %[6] 13 %[6] - - Food-contact, General purpose, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/60 A/B transparent transparent 60[1] 60[1] - - 9.8 N/mm²[3] 9.8 N/mm²[3] 340 %[4] 340 %[4] 27 N/mm[5] 27 N/mm[5] 16 %[6] 16 %[6] - - Food-contact, General purpose, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3003/70 A/B transparent transparent 70[1] 70[1] - - 9.3 N/mm²[3] 9.3 N/mm²[3] 290 %[4] 290 %[4] 20 N/mm[5] 20 N/mm[5] 16 %[6] 16 %[6] - - Food-contact, General purpose, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3004/40 A/B transparent transparent 40[1] 40[1] - - 9.2 N/mm²[3] 9.2 N/mm²[3] 610 %[4] 610 %[4] 29 N/mm[5] 29 N/mm[5] 10 %[6] 10 %[6] - - Fast curing, Food-contact, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3005/60 A/B transparent transparent 60[1] 60[1] - - 9.5 N/mm²[3] 9.5 N/mm²[3] 380 %[4] 380 %[4] 28 N/mm[5] 28 N/mm[5] 15 %[7] 15 %[7] - - Fast curing, Low compression set without post-cure, Reduced volatile content
ELASTOSIL® LR 3043/40 A/B transparent transparent 40[1] 40[1] - - 9.8 N/mm²[3] 9.8 N/mm²[3] 660 %[4] 660 %[4] 36 N/mm[5] 36 N/mm[5] 25 %[6] 25 %[6] - - Food-contact, High tear-resistant, Reduced volatile content
POWERSIL® 3500 MH red, light grey red, light grey 45[1] 45[1] - - 10.0 N/mm²[3] 10.0 N/mm²[3] 850 %[4] 850 %[4] 30 N/mm[5] 30 N/mm[5] 20 %[8] 20 %[8] - - Resistant to tracking and erosion, Addition Curing
POWERSIL® 352 MH oyster white, tomato red oyster white, tomato red 40[1] 40[1] - - 10.0 N/mm²[3] 10.0 N/mm²[3] 800 %[4] 800 %[4] 30 N/mm[5] 30 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion
POWERSIL® 3525 MH pearl orange, blue grey pearl orange, blue grey 23[1] 23[1] - - 9.5 N/mm²[3] 9.5 N/mm²[3] 1100 %[4] 1100 %[4] 30 N/mm[5] 30 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion, Addition Curing
POWERSIL® 354 MH light grey light grey 45[1] 45[1] - - 8.0 N/mm²[3] 8.0 N/mm²[3] 550 %[4] 550 %[4] 17 N/mm[5] 17 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion
POWERSIL® 402 A/B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
POWERSIL® 415 MH black black 41[1] 41[1] - - 3.0 N/mm²[3] 3.0 N/mm²[3] 470 %[4] 470 %[4] 25 N/mm[5] 25 N/mm[5] - - - - High dielectric permittivity
POWERSIL® 440 MH black black 42[1] 42[1] - - 7.5 N/mm²[3] 7.5 N/mm²[3] 500 %[4] 500 %[4] 12 N/mm[5] 12 N/mm[5] - - - - Electrically conductive
POWERSIL® 466 A/B black black 38[1] 38[1] - - 7.0 N/mm²[3] 7.0 N/mm²[3] 650 %[4] 650 %[4] 28 N/mm[5] 28 N/mm[5] 11 %[6] 11 %[6] - - Cold-shrinkable, Electrically conductive
POWERSIL® 466 LV A/B black black 32[1] 32[1] - - 7.0 N/mm²[3] 7.0 N/mm²[3] 650 %[4] 650 %[4] 20 N/mm[5] 20 N/mm[5] 11 %[6] 11 %[6] - - Cold-shrinkable, Electrically conductive, Low viscosity
POWERSIL® 600 A/B - - 30[1] 30[1] - - 8.0 N/mm²[3] 8.0 N/mm²[3] 500 %[4] 500 %[4] 22 N/mm[5] 22 N/mm[5] - - - - -
POWERSIL® 730 A/B - - 35[1] 35[1] - - 8.0 N/mm²[3] 8.0 N/mm²[3] 600 %[4] 600 %[4] 26 N/mm[5] 26 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion
POWERSIL® 732 CS A/B - - 33[1] 33[1] - - 9.0 N/mm²[3] 9.0 N/mm²[3] 750 %[4] 750 %[4] 35 N/mm[5] 35 N/mm[5] - - - - Cold-shrinkable, Resistant to tracking and erosion
POWERSIL® 735 LIGHTGRAY A/B - - 39[1] 39[1] - - 8.0 N/mm²[3] 8.0 N/mm²[3] 500 %[4] 500 %[4] 30 N/mm[5] 30 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion
POWERSIL® 740 DARK GRAY A/B - - 40[1] 40[1] - - 9.8 N/mm²[3] 9.8 N/mm²[3] 650 %[4] 650 %[4] 35 N/mm[5] 35 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion
POWERSIL® 740 LIGHTGRAY A/B - - 40[1] 40[1] - - 9.8 N/mm²[3] 9.8 N/mm²[3] 650 %[4] 650 %[4] 35 N/mm[5] 35 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion
POWERSIL® 79032 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
POWERSIL® GEL A/B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 300 1/10mm[9] 300 1/10mm[9] -
POWERSIL® GEL C 670 A/B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 220 1/10mm[9] 220 1/10mm[9] -
POWERSIL® GEL FC A/B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 180 1/10mm[9] 180 1/10mm[9] -
POWERSIL® PASTE AP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - No swelling of bordering silicone elastomers, Lubricant
POWERSIL® XLR® 630 A/B - - - - 35[2] 35[2] 7.0 N/mm²[3] 7.0 N/mm²[3] 450 %[4] 450 %[4] 25 N/mm[5] 25 N/mm[5] - - - - Resistant to tracking and erosion, Low viscosity
WACKER® PRIMER G 790 TOLUENE FREE - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adhesion promoting primer, Solvent-based
WACKER® PRIMER G 791 A/B - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Adhesion promoting primer, Solvent-based
WACKER® SILICONE PASTE P 250 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Lubricant
[1] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [2] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [3] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [4] Elongation at break | ISO 37 type 1,  [5] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B,  [6] Compression Set | 22 h | 175 °C | DIN ISO 815-1 type B method A | post-cured 6 h / 200 °C,  [7] Compression Set | 22 h | 175 °C | DIN ISO 815-1 type B method A,  [8] Compression Set | 22 h | 175 °C | DIN ISO 815-1 type B method A | post-cured 4 h / 200 °C,  [9] Penetration (Hardness) | DIN ISO 2137 | 150g cone / 60s penetration time,  [] Suited,  [] Well suited,  [] Ideally suited 



  • 优异的耐热性
  • 短期抗热冲击性
  • 极高的长期耐热性
  • 在低温下以额定输出功率正常工作
  • 损耗因子超低
  • 电气性能在较宽的温度范围内变化极小
  • 高闪点

