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For the infusion and prepreg methods, alongside resin additives, WACKER also supplies silicone rubber grades and fabrics for the production of vacuum bags.These bags can be placed quickly and securely over the mold before each part is produced. Repeated, time-consuming sealing with conventional vacuum film is no longer necessary. Bags made with rapid-curing, two-part ELASTOSIL® silicone rubber guarantee more processing runs, fewer vapors and more flexibility.



Product properties
动态粘度 Tear-growth resistance Shore density A Breaking strength 断裂伸长率 耐久性 表面性能 监管 流变性 交联性能
CENUSIL® M 830 A/B 8000 mPa·s[1] 8000 mPa·s[1] > 20 N/mm[3] > 20 N/mm[3] 26[4] 26[4] 5 N/mm²[6] 5 N/mm²[6] 500 %[8] 500 %[8] 耐混凝土 - 食品接触 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化
ELASTOSIL® C 1200 A/B 20000 mPa·s[1] 20000 mPa·s[1] 25 N/mm[3] 25 N/mm[3] 25[4] 25[4] 5 N/mm²[6] 5 N/mm²[6] 500 %[8] 500 %[8] 耐聚酯纤维, 耐环氧树脂 - - 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化, 室温下快速固化
ELASTOSIL® M 4601 A/B 15000 mPa·s[2] 15000 mPa·s[2] > 30 N/mm[3] > 30 N/mm[3] 28[5] 28[5] 6.5 N/mm²[7] 6.5 N/mm²[7] 700 %[9] 700 %[9] 耐铸造树脂 - 食品接触 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化
ELASTOSIL® M 4642 A/B 20000 mPa·s[2] 20000 mPa·s[2] > 30 N/mm[3] > 30 N/mm[3] 37[5] 37[5] 7 N/mm²[7] 7 N/mm²[7] 480 %[9] 480 %[9] 耐铸造树脂 - - 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化
ELASTOSIL® M 4670 A/B 120000 mPa·s[2] 120000 mPa·s[2] 15 N/mm[3] 15 N/mm[3] 55[4] 55[4] 5.5 N/mm²[6] 5.5 N/mm²[6] 280 %[8] 280 %[8] 耐聚酯纤维, 耐环氧树脂, 耐聚氨酯 表面干燥 食品接触 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化
ELASTOSIL® RT 625 A/B 25000 mPa·s[2] 25000 mPa·s[2] 30 N/mm[3] 30 N/mm[3] 25[4] 25[4] 6.5 N/mm²[6] 6.5 N/mm²[6] 600 %[8] 600 %[8] - - - 易流动的 双组分, 加成固化
[1] 动态粘度 | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [2] 动态粘度 after stirring | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [3] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [4] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [5] Shore density A | ISO 868,  [6] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [7] Breaking strength | ISO 37,  [8] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [9] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37