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  • 对典型基材(如玻璃、铝、Tedlar®、EVA等)具有出色的粘合力
  • 中性交联
  • 持久的抗老化和抗紫外线辐射性
  • 易于加工


Product properties
Tear-growth resistance Shore density A Breaking strength 断裂伸长率 流变性 交联性能 硫化胶
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1101 - - 30[1] 30[1] 2 N/mm²[2] 2 N/mm²[2] 400 %[3] 400 %[3] 触变 - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1109 BLACK - - 32[1] 32[1] 2.5 N/mm²[2] 2.5 N/mm²[2] 420 %[3] 420 %[3] 触变 - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1109 WHITE - - 32[1] 32[1] 2.3 N/mm²[2] 2.3 N/mm²[2] 425 %[3] 425 %[3] 触变 - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1200 7.1[4] 7.1[4] 35[1] 35[1] 2.1 N/mm²[2] 2.1 N/mm²[2] 250 %[3] 250 %[3] 剪切变稀, 触变, 抗下垂 缩合固化, 双组分 自粘性, 电绝缘性
[1] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [2] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [3] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [4] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 


  • 对典型基材具有出色的粘合力
  • 极高的透明性
  • 快速固化
  • 持久的耐候性和抗紫外线辐射性
  • 不黄变

Product Recommendations

Table is scrollable
Technical data
Product properties
Viscosity, dynamic Tear-growth resistance Penetration Shore density A Breaking strength Hardness Shore 00 Elongation at break 断裂伸长率 Resistance Regulation Product Rheology Crosslinking Property Vulcanizate
ELASTOSIL® RT 426 - - > 4 N/mm[1] > 4 N/mm[1] - - 60[2] 60[2] 4.5 N/mm²[5] 4.5 N/mm²[5] - - - - 120 %[8] 120 %[8] Heat resistant - Flowable Condensation-curing, Two-component -
ELASTOSIL® RT 563 - - 3 N/mm[1] 3 N/mm[1] - - 55[2] 55[2] 4.5 N/mm²[5] 4.5 N/mm²[5] - - - - 120 %[8] 120 %[8] - - Flowable Condensation-curing, Two-component -
ELASTOSIL® RT 602 A/B 5000 mPa·s[11] 5000 mPa·s[11] - - - - 30[3] 30[3] 1.5 N/mm²[6] 1.5 N/mm²[6] - - 130 %[9] 130 %[9] - - Heat resistant - Flowable Two-component, Addition Curing -
ELASTOSIL® RT 607 A/B 15000 mPa·s[12] 15000 mPa·s[12] - - - - 55[3] 55[3] 3 N/mm²[6] 3 N/mm²[6] - - 100 %[9] 100 %[9] - - Heat resistant Flame retardant Flowable Two-component, Addition Curing -
ELASTOSIL® RT 622 A/B 18000.0 mPa·s[13] 18000.0 mPa·s[13] 30 N/mm[1] 30 N/mm[1] - - 27[4] 27[4] 6.5 N/mm²[7] 6.5 N/mm²[7] - - 550 %[10] 550 %[10] - - - - Flowable Two-component, Addition Curing -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 2200 A/B 22500 mPa·s[14] 22500 mPa·s[14] 5.5 N/mm[1] 5.5 N/mm[1] - - 35[3] 35[3] 3.5 N/mm²[6] 3.5 N/mm²[6] - - 260 %[9] 260 %[9] - - UV stable - - Fast curing under heat, Two-component, Addition Curing -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 2202 A/B 1000 mPa·s[15] 1000 mPa·s[15] - - 300 1/10mm[17] 300 1/10mm[17] - - - - - - - - - - UV stable - - Two-component Optically clear
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 2205 - - - - - - - - - - 50[19] 50[19] - - - - - - - - Highly transparent, Electrically insulating
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV A 150.0 mPa·s[16] 150.0 mPa·s[16] - - - - - - - - 40[20] 40[20] - - - - - - - - -
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV B 150.0 mPa·s[16] 150.0 mPa·s[16] - - - - - - - - 40[20] 40[20] - - - - - - - - -
WACKER SilGel® 613 - - - - 70 1/10mm[18] 70 1/10mm[18] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
WACKER® PASTE P 12 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[1] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [2] Shore density A | ISO 868,  [3] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [4] Shore density A | DIN 53505 / ISO 868,  [5] Breaking strength | ISO 37,  [6] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [7] Breaking strength | DIN 53504 S1 / ISO 37,  [8] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37,  [9] Elongation at break | ISO 37 type 1,  [10] Elongation at break | DIN 53504 S1 / ISO 37,  [11] Viscosity, dynamic | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [12] Viscosity, dynamic | 23 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [13] Viscosity, dynamic | 23 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219 | Spindle 4; 2,5 UpM; 23 °C,  [14] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | ISO 3219,  [15] Viscosity, dynamic | 25 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [16] Viscosity, dynamic | 25.0 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [17] Penetration (150 g hollow cone) | DIN ISO 2137,  [18] Penetration (hollow cone, 9.38 g) | DIN ISO 2137,  [19] Hardness Shore 00 | ASTM D 2240,  [20] Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM D 2240 | 10 sec 140 mW/cm² followed by 30 min 150°C,  [] Suited,  [] Well suited,  [] Ideally suited 


  • 低粘度,配合WACKER®催化剂T80使用时可实现快速固化
  • 低模量,以降低热机械应力
  • 保护旁路二极管不受潮


动态粘度 Dropping period 邵氏00硬度
ELASTOSIL® CAT UV 1000 mPa·s[1] 1000 mPa·s[1] ≥ 1 d[4] ≥ 1 d[4] - -
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV A 150.0 mPa·s[2] 150.0 mPa·s[2] - - 40[5] 40[5]
SEMICOSIL® 949 UV B 150.0 mPa·s[2] 150.0 mPa·s[2] - - 40[5] 40[5]
SEMICOSIL® 950 UV B 1000 mPa·s[3] 1000 mPa·s[3] - - 40.0[6] 40.0[6]
[1] 动态粘度 | 25 °C | ISO 3219,  [2] 动态粘度 | 25.0 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [3] 动态粘度 | DIN EN ISO 3219 | A: SEMICOSIL® 949 UV A; B: SEMICOSIL® 950 UV B,  [4] Dropping period | Typical Value for 25°C for which doubling of mix viscosity in static mixing tube is referred to, [not exposed to UV light or ambient light, depending on addition curing silicone grade]; No processing with premix recommended,  [5] Shore 00 | 23 °C | ASTM D 2240 | 10 sec 140 mW/cm² followed by 30 min 150°C,  [6] 邵氏00硬度 | 23 °C | ASTM 2240 / Type 00 | Curing Conditions: 10 sec / 140 mW/cm2 followed by 30 min 150°C; measured@23°C,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合 


  • 将聚光光伏组件装框
  • 将二次光学元件粘接在太阳能电池上
  • 采用导热胶粘接高效(多结)太阳能电池和散热片


  • 对典型基材(如玻璃、铝、多结电池等)具有出色的粘合力
  • 中性交联
  • 持久的抗老化和抗紫外线辐射性
  • 不黄变
  • 加工方便,快速固化
  • 优异的耐热性

Product Recommendations

Table is scrollable
Technical data
Product properties
Tear strength Shore density A Tensile strength Elongation at break Hardness Shore A Product Rheology Crosslinking Property Vulcanizate
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1101 - - 30[1] 30[1] 2 N/mm²[3] 2 N/mm²[3] 400 %[4] 400 %[4] - - Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1109 BLACK - - 32[1] 32[1] 2.5 N/mm²[3] 2.5 N/mm²[3] 420 %[4] 420 %[4] - - Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1109 WHITE - - 32[1] 32[1] 2.3 N/mm²[3] 2.3 N/mm²[3] 425 %[4] 425 %[4] - - Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1200 7.1[5] 7.1[5] 35[1] 35[1] 2.1 N/mm²[3] 2.1 N/mm²[3] 250 %[4] 250 %[4] - - Shear thinning, Thixotropic, Non-slump Condensation-curing, Two-component Self-adhesive, Electrically insulating
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 3211 2.6 N/mm[5] 2.6 N/mm[5] - - 7.4 N/mm²[3] 7.4 N/mm²[3] 80 %[4] 80 %[4] 54[2] 54[2] - Two-component Highly transparent, Electrically insulating
[1] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [2] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [3] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [4] Elongation at break | ISO 37 type 1,  [5] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B,  [] Suited,  [] Well suited,  [] Ideally suited 


  • 制造聚光器模组的一次(菲涅尔)和二次透镜
  • 注射成型光学透镜和光波导耦合,以减少散射损失


  • 高透明性
  • 优异的耐热性
  • 长期防紫外线A和紫外线B
  • 不黄变
  • 快速固化和快速脱模
  • 极为逼真的复制效果
  • 重量轻(比玻璃轻)


  • 卓越的耐热性和耐候性
  • 长期防紫外线辐射
  • 尤其适用于苛刻条件下的应用



  • 高热稳定性
  • 即使在低温下仍具有理想的粘度

Product Recommendations

Table is scrollable
Technical data
Product properties
Tear strength Hardness Shore A Tensile strength Elongation at break Product Rheology Crosslinking Property Vulcanizate
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1101 - - 30[1] 30[1] 2 N/mm²[2] 2 N/mm²[2] 400 %[3] 400 %[3] Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1109 BLACK - - 32[1] 32[1] 2.5 N/mm²[2] 2.5 N/mm²[2] 420 %[3] 420 %[3] Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1109 WHITE - - 32[1] 32[1] 2.3 N/mm²[2] 2.3 N/mm²[2] 425 %[3] 425 %[3] Thixotropic - -
ELASTOSIL® SOLAR 1200 7.1[4] 7.1[4] 35[1] 35[1] 2.1 N/mm²[2] 2.1 N/mm²[2] 250 %[3] 250 %[3] Shear thinning, Thixotropic, Non-slump Condensation-curing, Two-component Self-adhesive, Electrically insulating
[1] Hardness Shore A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [2] Tensile strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [3] Elongation at break | ISO 37 type 1,  [4] Tear strength | ASTM D 624 B,  [] Suited,  [] Well suited,  [] Ideally suited