ELASTOSIL® R 573/50 A/B is a two component, electrically conductive HCR silicone rubber for the manufacture of electrically conductive products.


This product is an addition cured electrically conductive HCR silicone rubber which shows a low volume resistivity.


This product can be used within a temperature range of - 55 °C to + 210 °C.

Spezifische Merkmale von ELASTOSIL® R 573/50 A/B

  • Additionsvernetzend
  • elektrisch leitfähig
  • zweikomponentig

Electrically conductive profiles, EMI-gaskets, ignition cables (core), band electrodes

ELASTOSIL® R 573/50 A/B is delivered as A- & B-component system.


ELASTOSIL® R 573/50 A/B are homogeneously mixed in a ration of 1 : 1. Care must be taken to keep the compound cool during mixing. Crosslinking begins when mixing both components together. The rate and degree of crosslinking depends on the storage time and temperature. At 23 °C the mixture has a pot life of about 24 h. This can be extended by storing the catalyzed mixture at a lower temperature.


A homogeneous mixture is a must, but please avoid temperatures >30 °C along the mixing process in order to maintain best processing behaviour.


For detailed information please refer to the latest edition of our brochure "SOLID AND LIQUID SILICONE RUBBER - MATERIAL AND PROCESSING GUIDELINES".

Verpackung / Gebinde

This product is available in 20 kg and 540 kg cardboard packaging.

Special delivery forms are possible but depend on several technical and commercial aspects. Please contact your local sales manager in such cases.


Once opened, cardboard boxes should always be resealed after use to prevent the platinum catalyst from being poisoned by amines, sulphur or phosphorus compounds. The 'Best use before end' date of each batch is shown on the product label. Storage beyond the date specified on the label does not necessarily mean that the product is no longer usable. In this case however, the properties required for the intended use must be checked for quality assurance reasons.

Vertrieb & Support

Wacker Chemie AG
Heilbronner Strasse 74
70191 Stuttgart
+49  711  61942-0 (Phone)

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Wacker Chemie AG
Heilbronner Strasse 74
70191 Stuttgart
+49  711  61942-0 (Phone)

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