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SILRES® IC 701 is an anti-graffiti coating intended for use in the professional market for the protection of concrete, masonry and metal substrates. The cured coating provides excellent release and ease of removal of permanent markers and aerosol paints. SILRES® IC 701 is based on polysiloxane polymers and provides excellent performance against exterior elements such as rain, sun and temperature extremes. It cures via condensation reaction at room temperature by reacting with ambient moisture.


Typical property values are not intended for use in the preparation of specifications. Please contact Wacker Silicones for assistance and recommendations before writing specifications on this product.


The "Best use before end date" of each batch is shown on the Certificate of Analysis. Storage beyond the date specified on the Certificate of Analysis does not necessarily mean that the product is no longer usable. In this case however, the properties required for the intended use must be checked for quality assurance reasons. SILRES® IC 701 should be stored below 32°C in the tightly closed original container.

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Wacker Metroark Chemicals Pvt Ltd.
D.H. Road, Chandi
Kolkata 743503
+91  33  24072-100 (Phone)
+91 33 24072-502  (Fax)

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Mehr Produkte

Produkte Technische Daten
pH Gehalt Aussehen
SILRES® BS 45 ca. 5 ca. 5 ~ 54 Gew. %[1] ~ 54 Gew. %[1] milchig, weiß[3] milchig, weiß[3]
SILRES® BS 54 ca. 5 ca. 5 - - milchig, weiß[3] milchig, weiß[3]
SILRES® WH ca. 6 ca. 6 ca. 54 Gew. %[1] ca. 54 Gew. %[1] milchig, weiß[4] milchig, weiß[4]
SILRES® BS 50 - - 50,0 Gew. %[2] 50,0 Gew. %[2] milchig, weiß[3] milchig, weiß[3]
SILRES® BS 60 ca. 7 ca. 7 - - milchig, weiß[3] milchig, weiß[3]
[1] Feststoff-gehalt,  [2] Wirkstoffgehalt,  [3] Aussehen | ASTM D 412,  [4] Aussehen und Farbe | ASTM D 412 


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Wacker Chemie India Pvt. Ltd.
Goregaon E,
Mumbai 400063
+91  22  42365-500 (Phone)

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