GENIOSIL® XB 502 ist ein silanterminiertes Bindemittel auf Basis der α-Silan-Technologie für die Herstellung von hochfesten Klebstoffen.
Alpha-silan-terminierte Polyether stellen eine wichtige Gruppe der feuchtigkeitsaushärtenden Bindemittel dar, die ohne Zinnkatalyse vernetzen können.
GENIOSIL® XB 502 ist ein transparentes, niedrigviskoses Bindemittel. Die damit formulierten, ausgehärteten Klebstoffe erzielen Härten im hohen Shore D Bereich. Es ist somit eine Erweiterung zu den elastischen Bindemitteln der GENIOSIL® STP-E Produktgruppe und lässt sich uneingeschränkt mit ihnen abmischen. So lassen sich Eigenschaften auf die jeweilige Applikation maßgerecht einstellen.
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Eigenschaften des Bindemittels GENIOSIL® XB 502:
- niedrige Viskosität
- einfache Handhabung und Dosierung
- zinnfreie Katalyse
- kennzeichnungsfrei
Eigenschaften von Klebstoffen basierend auf GENIOSIL® XB 502:
- hohe mechanische Festigkeit mit raschem Festigkeitsaufbau
- Härten im Shore D Bereich
- gute Haftung auf Holz, Metallen, Glas und Keramik
- keine Blasenbildung
- isocyanat-, zinn- und lösemittelfrei
- gute Wärmestandfestigkeit
- geringe Vergilbungsneigung
- Formulierung wasserfester Produkte möglich (D1 bis D4)
GENIOSIL® XB 502 dissolves readily in standard organic solvents. It is virtually insoluble in aqueous media, and reacts slowly releasing methanol and forming a resinous deposit. Despite its highly reactive terminal groups, uncatalyzed GENIOSIL® XB 502 is stable in air for several days. However, its reactivity with water or atmospheric humidity must be taken into account during storage and processing, since the material will slowly start to condense. GENIOSIL® XB 502 can be formulated by conventional methods and mixing processes. The formulation composition depends on the required property profile. GENIOSIL® XB 502 can be formulated with a variety of fillers. The range starts with oxides, such as aluminum hydroxide, quartz powders or pyrogenic silica, and extends to coated and uncoated chalks. The type and amount depends on the mechanical needs as well the desired thixotropy. Water scavengers can be added to stabilize the formulations against premature curing as this is moisture-curing technology. Therefore exclusion of moisture during compounding and storage is necessary. GENIOSIL® XL 10 or GENIOSIL® XL 70 are particularly suitable scavengers. Any type of plasticizer can be used to further lower the viscosity. In order to plasticize a GENIOSIL® XB 502 based formulation it is recommended to use any type of silane modified polymer e.g. GENIOSIL® STP-E10. Antioxidants, UV- and light-stabilizers are mandatory to ensure durable sealants and adhesives. The amount and type of stabilizer depends on application needs. Curing of GENIOSIL® XB 502 requires a catalyst that does not necessarily have to be organo-metallic. However dioctyl tin may be used if required. Catalysis can also be accelerated with titanium compounds as well as inorganic (phosphoric) or organic (tartaric) acids. Primarily, we recommend using an amine catalyst, and adjusting the skin-formation time by varying the amount of aminosilane used. GENIOSIL® GF 9 and GENIOSIL® GF 95 have proven particularly advantageous here. In particular, GENIOSIL® GF 95 can attain improved water resistance, which can further be increased by the addition of epoxy silanes. Surface Treatment Always apply the formulation to clean and dry surfaces.
GENIOSIL® XB 502 is used as a reactive binder for adhesives, potting compounds and coatings. Curing takes places at ambient temperature in the presence of both moisture and catalyst. Depending on the formulation, either prepared as one-part or two-part systems, it will give good adhesion to a wide variety of substrates even without pretreatment. Adhesives can be formulated having high lap-shear strength (< 15 N/mm²) on a wide variety of substrates. With certain substrates, modifying the elasticity of the GENIOSIL® XB 502 containing binder is advisable. Based on the model formulation using a filler (1 : 1), with 2.5 % GENIOSIL® GF 9 as the catalyst, the lap-shear-strength of beech/beech and aluminum/aluminum test specimens was determined. While GENIOSIL® XB 502 is ideal for bonding wood, metals can be very readily bonded when GENIOSIL XB 502 is blended with GENIOSIL® STP-E10 at a ratio of 3 : 1. Further state-of-the art bonding:
- wood
- stone
- metal
- bonding of dissimilar substrates (e.g. wood/metal, metal/concrete)