
- niedrige Viskosität

- rapid heat cure

- high hardness

- excellent heat stability

- schwerbrennbar

- erfüllt die Anforderungen der Norm EN 45545-1:2020 ("Brandschutz in Schienenfahrzeugen") für die Gefährdungsstufen HL1, HL2 und HL3 hinsichtlich der Anforderungssätze R22, R23 und. R24.

Spezifische Merkmale von ELASTOSIL® RT 607 A/B

  • Additionsvernetzend
  • Fließfähig
  • hitzebeständig
  • niedrige Viskosität
  • schwer entflammbar
  • zweikomponentig

Achtung: Es dürfen nur A- und B-Komponenten miteinander verarbeitet werden, die dieselbe Chargennummer aufweisen!

To ensure homogeneity of the material, the components must be stirred thoroughly before they are removed or processed in their containers, in order to uniformly disperse any filler that might have settled during storage.

1 Leerzeile

1 Leerzeile
1 Leerzeile

1 Leerzeile
1 Leerzeile

1 Leerzeile

1 Leerzeile
1 Leerzeile
We recommend running preliminary tests to optimize conditions for the particular application. Comprehensive processing instructions are given in our leaflet "Wacker RTV-2 Silicone Rubber - Processing".

Caution: Only components A and B with the same lot number may be processed together!

To ensure homogeneity of the material, the components must be stirred thoroughly before they are removed or processed in their containers, in order to uniformly disperse any filler that might have settled during storage.

Surface preparation: All surfaces must be clean and free of contaminants that will inhibit the cure of ELASTOSIL® RT 607 A/B. Examples of inhibiting contaminants are sulfur containing materials, plasticizers, urethanes, amine containing materials and organometallic compounds - especially organotin compounds. If a substrate's ability to inhibit cure is unknown, a small scale test should be run to determine compatibility.

Mixing: Component A of ELASTOSIL® RT 607 contains the platinum catalyst, component B the crosslinker. Even traces of the platinum catalyst may cause gelling of the component containing the crosslinker. Therefore tools (spatula, stirrers, etc.) used for handling the platinumcontaining component or the catalyzed compound must not come into contact with this component.

The two components should be thoroughly mixed at a 9 : 1 ratio by weight. 

To eliminate any air introduced during dispensing or trapped under components or devices a vacuum encapsulation is recommended.

Curing: Curing time of addition curing silicone rubber is highly dependent on temperature, size and heat sink properties of the component being potted.

The reactivity can be adjusted within wide limits by adding Catalyst EP or Inhibitor PT 88 to suit the processing requirements of the particular application. Catalyst EP increases the reactivity, i. e., pot life and curing time are reduced. Inhibitor PT 88 is a pot life extender and prolongs pot life and curing time. Further information is given in our leaflet "Catalyst EP/Inhibitor PT88".

We recommend running preliminary tests to optimize conditions for the particular application. Comprehensive processing instructions are given in our leaflet "ROOM TEMPERATURE VULCANIZING (RTV) SILICONES - Material and Processing Guidelines"


Das Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatum der jeweiligen Charge ist auf dem Produktetikett angegeben. Eine Lagerung über den auf dem Produktetikett angegebenen Zeitraum hinaus bedeutet nicht notwendigerweise, dass die Ware unbrauchbar ist. Eine Überprüfung der für den jeweiligen Einsatzzweck erforderlichen Eigenschaftswerte ist jedoch in diesem Falle aus Gründen der Qualitätssicherung unerlässlich.

Vertrieb & Support

Wacker Chemicals Middle East
Dubai Silicon Oasis s/n
0001 Dubai
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate
+971  4  709-9999 (Phone)
+971 4 709-9911  (Fax)

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Wacker Chemie AG
Gisela-Stein-Strasse 1
81671 Munich
+49  89  6279-0 (Phone)

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