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ETONIS® 3500 W (GER)

ETONIS® 3500 W is suitable for modifying concrete, specialty mortar and cementitious coatings for infrastructure products, in particular for shotcrete applications in underground construction, tunneling and mining. ETONIS® 3500 W is a polymer powder with a low glass transition temperature (Tg). remains flexible down to temperatures below freezing and is suitable for end products with low emissions. 


ETONIS® 3500 W makes fresh concrete easier to process and pump because it reduces the frictional forces between cement and aggregates.
It significantly reduces spray rebound while greatly improving adhesion to all substrates, particularly wet surfaces. Concrete modified with ETONIS® 3500 W produces very little dust, especially during dry spraying. The cohesive properties of ETONIS® 3500 W increase the sedimentation stability of concrete and specialty mortars, reducing bleeding and segregation.
ETONIS® 3500 W has a plasticizing effect and reduces the water/cement ratio without compromising the concrete's workability.
In hardened concrete, ETONIS® 3500 W improves adhesion, enhances flexural strength, reduces the modulus of elasticity (imparting flexibility) and increases abrasion resistance. It does not impair the concrete's high ultimate strength. Concrete modified with ETONIS® 3500 W seals against pressing water, shows enhanced carbonation resistance and prevents the ingress of aggressive media into the mix. In combination with suitable foam-control agents, ETONIS® 3500 W also increases compressive and flexural strength.


25 kg paper bags.
Other sizes on request.


可再分散乳胶粉产品在储存期间必须进行防潮处理. 产品在高于30°C的温度下较长时间存放时, 尤其在此期间受压、受潮或受到日光照射后, 可能会出现结块现象. 产品在开封后应妥善地密封好后存放. 建议在仓库中存放可再分散乳胶粉产品, 并将其放置在阴凉干燥处. 可再分散乳胶粉产品的储存期不要超过六个月(自交付之日起算), 除非产品检测报告中规定了不同的日期(该日期优先适用). 如果可再分散乳胶粉产品被存放的时间超过了建议的期限, 该产品可能仍然可以使用, 但是在这种情况下, 我们建议客户在使用该产品前对产品的性能是否满足预期用途的要求进行检测.


Wacker Chemie India Pvt. Ltd.
Goregaon E,
Mumbai 400063
+91  22  42365-500 (电话)
+91 22 42365-570  (传真)
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Wacker Chemie AG
Gisela-Stein-Strasse 1
81671 Munich
+49  89  6279-0 (电话)

