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SILRES® BS CREME D is an aqueous, solvent-free injection product in the form of a silane-based cream. It is used to prevent rising damp (horizontal barrier).
- silane-based, solvent-free cream
- ready to use
- optimized for pressureless application
- easy to use
- suitable for high moisture contents
WTA and CSTC certificat confirm the suitability of SILRES® BS CREME D for this kind of application.
SILRES® BS CREME D is a cream used as a water-repellent injection agent to prevent rising damp in masonry. The cream is injected as evenly as possible into the masonry or mortar joints without pressure via drilled holes. SILRES® BS CREME D can be used even when the moisture content is high. However, pressurized injection of water-dilutable silicone microemulsion concentrates (SILRES® BS SMK) is preferred whenever very thick walls exhibit a high moisture content.
Inject ready-to-use SILRES® BS CREME D from tubular bags or other suitable packaging into the holes drilled into the masonry. The holes are usually drilled at ground height (outdoors) or at floor height (indoors). Select the injection tube to match the hole diameter and insert it as far into the hole as possible. To fill the hole as completely as possible, squeeze the cream out slowly while withdrawing the injection tube.
The hole diameters and the distance between the holes may vary, as they depend on the construction material's absorbency. This makes it possible to take account of the various types of masonry (such as solid brickwork and cavity walls).
In the case of homogeneous masonry, it is generally advisable to space the holes 8 – 12,5 cm apart and to choose a diameter of 12 - 20 mm, depending on the specifics of each building. The drilled hole should be approx. 2 cm less than the width of the wall. Preferably drill the injection holes horizontally - each hole starting out from a masonry joint. Fill the holes completely with SILRES® BS CREME D. This is a very good way to impregnate the absorbent joint zones. Before injecting the cream, always blow drilling powder out of the holes.
If thick masonry exhibits a high moisture content, we recommend the pressurized injection of silicone microemulsion concentrates (SILRES ® BS SMK).
0001 Dubai
+971 4 709-9911 (传真)