>70% of our spend with suppliers providing a valid sustainability score
>50% of purchase order processing with our suppliers automated via standard IT-interfaces
Approx. 10,000 suppliers
Values and Goals
Our collaboration is based on shared values and goals that secure our competitiveness and mutual success in the long term. We count on a constructive partnership and enduring cooperation as well as fair market conditions in good times and bad.
Quality and Reliability
You rank among the best in your market and support us with innovative products, reliable services, punctual deliveries and competitive prices.
We also expect our partners to use a management system that meets ISO 9001 (quality) requirements or one compatible with GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice). Industrial suppliers must be certified to ISO 14001 (environmental protection).
Sustainability and Social Standards
Our ambition is to contribute to a more sustainable society and to balance ecological and socio- economic interests within the entire supply chains. WACKER has implemented an ISO 50001-compliant energy management system at its German sites.
WACKER has joined international initiatives such as Responsible Care® and Global Compact and fully supports the principles described therein. We also require our suppliers, business partners and / or potential new suppliers to follow these principles.
WACKER's position on labor and human rights is stated in our policy statement in accordance with Section 6 (2) of the German Act on Corporate Due Diligence Obligations in Supply Chains (LkSG).
These guidelines are summarized in our WACKER supplier code of conduct.
You can anonymously report information on compliance-relevant topics worldwide via our digital whistleblower system.
As a member of Together for Sustainability (TfS), which is an alliance of ~36 chemical companies, WACKER monitors the sustainability performance of our suppliers regularly.
WACKER engages all key suppliers to either have an Ecovadis assessment score exceeding 46 or to pass a TfS Audit without any major deviations.
In order to support our suppliers as much as possible, the TfS initiative offers online training in the form of an academy.
Our suppliers can register for the TfS Academy free of charge and use the training courses.
Digital Collaboration with our Suppliers
We are counting on digitalization, innovation, efficient procurement processes and cutting-edge IT systems to achieve this goal. We expect our suppliers to support us in these endeavors by using standard IT interfaces.
WACKER strives for a highly efficient, digital collaboration with our suppliers.
This includes in particular:
electronic tendering via SAP ARIBA; provision of e-catalogues; electronic processing of the purchasing process from purchase order to payment via standardized IT platforms, in particular SAP ARIBA.
Therefore, WACKER expects our suppliers to support this digital collaboration platforms as an important prerequisite to become or remain among our preferred suppliers.
For more information, please follow the link
Purchasing System Information
To find out more about WACKER's new purchasing system and the available market interfaces, please visit the following page:
Purchasing System InformationKey Suppliers
We have an especially close relationship with our most important suppliers that goes beyond the principles mentioned above:
- Supplier evaluation: we regularly evaluate the performance of our key suppliers.
- Continuous improvement process: we regularly communicate with our key suppliers about how they are furthering their development to ensure a long-lasting supplier relationship.
- Supplier qualifications and audits: we conduct random checks or regular quality checks or process audits, if necessary.
- Sustainability: WACKER is a member of the Together for Sustainability (TfS) initiative. Our key suppliers can provide proof that their business practices harmonize with globally acceptable sustainability criteria.
Communicating with You
To further intensify communication with our partner companies, we have been holding Supplier Days in Europe, Asia and the USA since 1995. These events focus on current topics and serve as a management-level platform where WACKER and key suppliers can exchange information.
Our Supplier Days
Good to Know – Links & Downloads

Supplier Code of Conduct
(PDF 772.1 KB) - German – valid globally

Supplier Code of Conduct
(PDF 770.0 KB) - English – valid globally

Supplier Code of Conduct
(PDF 1.3 MB) - Chinese – valid globally

Supplier Code of Conduct
(PDF 765.5 KB) - Portuguese – valid globally

Supplier Code of Conduct
(PDF 639.1 KB) - Korean – valid globally

Policy Statement "WACKER´s position on Labor and Human Rights"
- English – valid globally
Our framework agreements in business dealings with our suppliers are detailed in our Terms and Conditions of Procurement.

General Terms and Conditions of Purchase of Wacker Chemie AG
(PDF 112.2 KB) - English – valid for Wacker Chemie AG

Wacker North America Conditions of the Purchase Order (Goods and Services)
(PDF 204.3 KB) - English – valid for WACKER North America

WACKER Korea Conditions of the Purchase Order (Goods and Services)
(PDF 472.2 KB) - Korean/English – valid for WACKER Korea

WACKER China Conditions of the Purchase Order (Goods and Services)
(PDF 305.1 KB) - Chinese/English – valid for WACKER China

WACKER Spain Conditions of the Purchase Order (Goods and Services)
(PDF 84.2 KB) - Spanish – valid for WACKER Spain
The safety manual (available in German only) covers all important information, rules and instructions to ensure that the activities of partner companies and their subcontractors are conducted safely at all German WACKER sites.
The site instruction provides partner companies information about all current regulations and is specifically designed for each site.
A successfully passed instruction is prerequisite for partner company employees to be allowed to enter a specific site with their WACKER company ID card and start work there.
This document is an addendum to our contractual agreements with suppliers for orders with non-German delivery addresses.
A credit memo is issued automatically on the basis of the order and incoming goods data – no invoices are sent and orders can be completed more quickly.
Guarantees secure the deposit, contractual fulfillment and the warranty relating to orders. We only accept guarantees in line with WACKER’s guarantee forms.

Advance Payment Bond
(DOCX 43.3 KB) - English – valid globally

Guarantee for Claims based on Defects
(DOCX 42.5 KB) - English – valid globally

Guarantee for Performance and Cases of Breach of Contract
(DOCX 42.7 KB) - English – valid globally

Guarantee for Performance and Cases of Breach of Contract for Frame Contract
(DOC 55.0 KB) - English – valid globally
The e-catalog (available in German only) includes approved products with agreed specifications and prices negotiated by WACKER and our suppliers. The e-catalog software supports procurement for recurring demand and requires suppliers to provide all the data in a standardized form.
Our suppliers print a matrix barcode or a QR code on the delivery notes – these are recorded directly in SAP at WACKER’s centralized incoming goods department.

You would like to contact the procurement department? Please use our contact form.
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