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Industrial Printing

Paper, Pulp & Printing - Industrial Printing

WACKER offers a high-quality product range of ELASTOSIL® RT silicone rubber grades for pad printing processes of all types. Anti-static variants for printing on sensitive materials and additional ELASTOSIL® systems round off our portfolio of high-performance products. The high reactivity of the products guarantees short process times during manufacturing, even for rubber with a high silicone fluid content.


  • Outstanding flowability
  • Good self-deaeration
  • Low viscosity
  • Wide variety of Shore A hardness levels
  • Rapid demolding time
  • Mechanical properties with long-term consistency
  • High tear resistance


  • Keyboards
  • Automotive industry
  • Toys
  • Sports equipment


Product properties
动态粘度 Tear-growth resistance Shore density A Breaking strength 断裂伸长率 表面性能 监管 流变性 交联性能
ELASTOSIL® M 4400 30000 mPa·s[1] 30000 mPa·s[1] > 3 N/mm[4] > 3 N/mm[4] 23[5] 23[5] 2 N/mm²[7] 2 N/mm²[7] 250 %[9] 250 %[9] - - 易流动的 缩合固化, 双组分
ELASTOSIL® RT 402 - - > 3 N/mm[4] > 3 N/mm[4] 11[5] 11[5] 2 N/mm²[7] 2 N/mm²[7] 350 %[9] 350 %[9] 抗静电 - 易流动的 缩合固化, 双组分
ELASTOSIL® RT 620 A/B 7000 mPa·s[2] 7000 mPa·s[2] ≥ 12 N/mm[4] ≥ 12 N/mm[4] 17[6] 17[6] 5 N/mm²[8] 5 N/mm²[8] 900 %[10] 900 %[10] - 食品接触 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化
ELASTOSIL® RT 623 A/B 15000 mPa·s[3] 15000 mPa·s[3] > 30 N/mm[4] > 30 N/mm[4] 31[6] 31[6] 7.5 N/mm²[8] 7.5 N/mm²[8] 700 %[10] 700 %[10] - - 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化, 室温下快速固化
ELASTOSIL® RT 623 A/B KR 15000 mPa·s[3] 15000 mPa·s[3] > 30 N/mm[4] > 30 N/mm[4] 31[6] 31[6] 7.5 N/mm²[8] 7.5 N/mm²[8] 700 %[10] 700 %[10] - - 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化, 室温下快速固化
ELASTOSIL® RT 629 A/B 14000 mPa·s[3] 14000 mPa·s[3] 25 N/mm[4] 25 N/mm[4] 31[6] 31[6] 6 N/mm²[8] 6 N/mm²[8] 500 %[10] 500 %[10] 抗静电 - 易流动的 无化学收缩, 双组分, 加成固化, 室温下快速固化
[1] 动态粘度 after stirring | 23 °C | DIN EN ISO 3219,  [2] 动态粘度 | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [3] 动态粘度 搅拌后 | 23 °C | ISO 3219,  [4] Tear-growth resistance | ASTM D 624 B,  [5] Shore density A | ISO 868,  [6] Shore density A | DIN ISO 48-4,  [7] Breaking strength | ISO 37,  [8] Breaking strength | ISO 37 type 1,  [9] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37,  [10] 断裂伸长率 | ISO 37 type 1,  [] 适合,  [] 非常适合,  [] 极其适合