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Paints & Surface Coatings

Flawless processing, profitable production and optimal products are crucial to business success. And this is where SILFOAM® silicone defoamers from WACKER come in: they include the right silicone-based foam-control agent for every type of dispersion, enabling cost-efficient dispersions manufacture and enhanced product properties. Whether you are interested in the production of dispersions or the quality of dispersion-based products, such as coatings, paints, building materials, paper coatings or adhesives, SILFOAM® defoamers are designed to provide specific properties and to optimize the space-time yield.

Their ability to deaerate microfoams and their good compatibility with organic systems make SILFOAM® products particularly valuable for use in processing dispersions and finishing them to dispersion-based products.

Whether you use emulsions, organically modified compounds or organofunctional self-dispersing silicone defoamers, our experts will offer come up with the right SILFOAM® antifoam agents for you.

Product Recommendations

Technical data
BET surface
3,5-Dimethylpyrazole (3,5-DMP) - -
Acetylacetone (ACAC) - -
HDK® H2000 approx. 200 m²/g[1] approx. 200 m²/g[1]
Monochloroacetone Stab Drapex (MCA) - -
[1] BET surface | DIN ISO 9277 DIN 66132 | area of hydrophilic silica,  [] Suited,  [] Well suited,  [] Ideally suited