Archive: Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Invitation to the 2023 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
WACKER performed very successfully in 2022. With €8.2 billion in sales and EBITDA of €2.1 billion, it was by far the most successful year in the company’s history. All our business divisions contributed to the company’s success and were able to increase their sales by double-digit percentages. Other key financial indicators underline our strong business performance. Despite a significant increase in capital expenditures, net cash flow for 2022 remained at a high level of around €440 million. By the end of 2022, net financial assets amounted to some €400 million. Net income for the year surpassed the high figure of 2021 by a wide margin, coming in at around €1.3 billion.
This positive business performance has a positive effect on the size of the dividend too. The Executive and Supervisory Boards will therefore propose a dividend of 12 euros per share at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Accordingly, WACKER will be distributing roughly 50 percent of its net income for the year, in line with its dividend policy.
At the same time, we continued to invest systematically in our future during 2022. For instance, we spent around €550 million on expanding our global production capacities. Almost 60 percent more than in the previous year. We have thus laid the foundation for further profitable growth.

We hereby invite the shareholders of our Company to our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. This will take place on Wednesday, May 17, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. (CEST) as an in-person event at the International Congress Center Munich (ICM) in Riem (Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany).
Kind regards,
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Christian Hartel
President & CEO
Agenda (Summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021, and the combined 2021 Management Report including the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289a (1) and Section 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (“HGB”), and of the 2021 Supervisory Board Report
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of the Auditor of Financial Statements
- Election to the Supervisory Board
- Resolution on the Modification of Compensation of Supervisory Board Members and on Corresponding Amendments to the Articles of Association
- Resolution on the Approval of the Compensation Report
Downloads and Documents
Documents for the 2023 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Invitation and Agenda
(PDF 1.3 MB)
Speech Given by President & CEO Dr. Christian Hartel
(PDF 280.3 KB) - English
Presentation on the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
(PDF 5.7 MB) - English
Voting Results
(PDF 33.9 KB) - English
Annual Report 2022 (incl. Consolidated Financial Statements, Combined Management Report, Report of the Supervisory Board, Appropriation of Profits, Explanatory Report on Statutory Information on Takeovers acc. to § 315a (1) HGB
(PDF 6.5 MB) - English
Annual Financial Statements and Combined Management Report of Wacker Chemie AG 2022
(PDF 2.7 MB) - available in German only
Declaration on Corporate Management
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Possibilities and of Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 402.1 KB) - English
Synopsis Amendment Section
(PDF 368.6 KB) - English
Articles of Association (current version)
(PDF 189.7 KB) - English
Invitation to the 2022 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
For WACKER, 2021 was a record-breaking year. Group sales entered a new dimension, surpassing the six-billion-euro mark for the first time. This increase was down to strong organic growth across all four of our business divisions. EBITDA more than doubled to over €1.5 billion – despite a significant year-over-year increase in raw-material prices. Higher EBITDA had a positive impact on net income for the year, which came in at €828 million.
This success will have a positive effect on the size of the dividend. At the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in May, the Supervisory Board and Executive Board will propose payment of a dividend of €8.00 per share.
All of WACKER’s business divisions increased their sales in 2021. This growth was due to a significant rise in volumes and to better prices. Among our chemical divisions, WACKER SILICONES posted a strong rise in EBITDA. Despite higher raw-material prices, WACKER POLYMERS almost matched its prior-year EBITDA figure. WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS grew its biotechnology business and achieved a slight increase in EBITDA. WACKER POLYSILICON also performed exceptionally well. Sales and earnings surged due to volume growth for solar and semiconductor applications, substantially higher prices for solar-grade silicon, and improvements in the cost of goods sold.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, German legislation now includes a special rule that permits us to hold the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting without shareholders being physically present. The Executive Board has decided, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to make use of this option again this year. A virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting enables us to protect your health, and that of our employees and service providers, and to minimize the risks for all participants.
That means you, as a shareholder, can follow the entire Annual Shareholders’ Meeting live via the internet. After registering by the time specified, you will be able to exercise your voting rights either via absentee voting or the Company-appointed proxies. This is possible either in advance of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting or online during the event.
You can submit your questions about agenda items beforehand. To support you in this regard and to make the necessary information available to you in the easiest possible way, we will once again publish the Executive Board’s statements about 2021 on our website well ahead of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

We herewith invite WACKER’s shareholders to our virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on Friday, May 20, 2022 at 10:00 a.m. (CEST).
Registered shareholders will be able to follow the virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting as a livestream from WACKER’s headquarters at Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4, 81737 Munich (Germany) on the internet at
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Christian Hartel
President and CEO
Agenda (Summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2021, and the combined 2021 Management Report including the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289a (1) and Section 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (“HGB”), and of the 2021 Supervisory Board Report
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of the Auditor of Financial Statements
- Election to the Supervisory Board
- Resolution on the Modification of Compensation of Supervisory Board Members and on Corresponding Amendments to the Articles of Association
- Resolution on the Approval of the Compensation Report
Downloads and Documents
Documents for the 2022 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Invitation and Agenda
(PDF 653.2 KB)
Speeches Given by President & CEO Dr. Christian Hartel, and Chief Financial Officer Dr. Tobias Ohler
(PDF 316.1 KB) - English
Presentation on the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
(PDF 7.9 MB) - English
Voting Results
(PDF 27.9 KB) - English
Annual Report 2021 (incl. Consolidated Financial Statements, Combined Management Report, Report of the Supervisory Board, Appropriation of Profits, Report of the Executive Board pursuant to Section 289a (1) and Section 315 (5) of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
(PDF 4.7 MB) - English
Annual Financial Statements and Combined Management Report of Wacker Chemie AG 2021
(PDF 1.6 MB) - available in German only
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Possibilities and of Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 231.7 KB) - English
Proxy Form
(PDF 127.2 KB) - English
Synopsis Amendment Section 12
(PDF 139.1 KB) - English
Articles of Association (current version)
(PDF 186.6 KB) - English
Invitation to the 2021 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
2020 was an extraordinary year. The coronavirus pandemic caught the economy unawares and with considerable force. Public life ground to a halt in many countries around the world. Today, the pandemic still poses enormous economic, political and social challenges for us all. To overcome this exceptional situation, we focused – and continue to focus – on three priorities:
- Protecting the health of our employees
- Keeping production running
- Safeguarding our company’s long-term future
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, German legislation includes a special temporary rule that permits us to hold the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting without shareholders being physically present. The Executive Board has decided, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to make use of this option again this year. A virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting enables us to protect your health and that of our employees and service providers, and to minimize the risks for all participants.
For you as a shareholder, this means that you can follow the entire Annual Shareholders’ Meeting live via the internet. After registering by the time specified, you will be able to exercise your voting rights either via absentee voting or the Company-appointed proxies. This is possible either in advance of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting or online during the event. You can submit your questions about agenda items beforehand.
When the world comes to a virtual standstill, WACKER is not going to emerge unscathed. Our sales of €4.69 billion were 4.8 percent lower than the year before. The sales downturn was strongest in Q2 2020. In the second half of the year, we made up for most of that decline thanks to growing demand for our products. At €666.3 million, EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) fell 14.9 percent year over year. However, in 2019, our EBITDA had included special income of €112.5 million in insurance compensation. Adjusted for that income, EBITDA declined by a slight 0.7 percent year over year. A very positive fact is that WACKER has returned to profit, posting net income of €202.3 million, after a loss in 2019.
WACKER’s chemical business is our sales and earnings engine. That remains true even though WACKER did not post sales growth in 2020. Lower average prices for standard silicones and reduced volumes due to the pandemic slowed sales and earnings at WACKER SILICONES. WACKER POLYMERS raised its EBITDA amid robust demand from the construction industry and lower raw-material prices. At WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS, both sales and EBITDA grew.
After two difficult years, our polysilicon business stabilized in 2020, for several reasons. First: average prices for solar-grade polysilicon stopped falling. Second: we expanded our market share with semiconductor-sector customers. Third: we significantly reduced our production costs. As a result, EBITDA – measured on a comparable basis – improved by roughly €60 million and came in slightly positive.
The Executive and Supervisory Boards will propose a dividend of €2.00 per share at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting.

We herewith invite WACKER’s shareholders to our virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting on May 12, 2021 at 10:00 a.m. (CEST).
Registered shareholders will be able to follow the virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting as a livestream from WACKER’s headquarters at Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4, 81737 Munich (Germany) on the internet at
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President and CEO
Agenda (Summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as of December 31, 2020, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2020, and the combined 2020 Management Report including the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289a (1) and Section 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (“HGB”), and of the 2020 Supervisory Board Report
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of the Auditor of Financial Statements
- Resolution on the Approval of the Compensation System for Executive Board Members
- Resolution on Compensation of Supervisory Board Members (Simultaneously Approval of the Compensation System for Supervisory Board Members)
Downloads and Documents
Documents for the 2021 Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Invitation and Agenda
(PDF 554.7 KB)
Speeches Given by President & CEO Dr. Rudolf Staudigl, and Chief Financial Officer Dr. Tobias Ohler
(PDF 293.7 KB) - English
Presentation on the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
(PDF 8.2 MB) - English
Voting Results
(PDF 26.0 KB) - English
Annual Report 2020 (incl. Consolidated Financial Statements, Combined Management Report, Report of the Supervisory Board, Appropriation of Profits, Report of the Executive Board pursuant to Section 289a (1) and Section 315 (5) of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
(PDF 3.7 MB) - English
Annual Financial Statements, Combined Management Report and Compensation Report of Wacker Chemie AG 2019
(PDF 2.0 MB) - English
Further Detailed Explanations on the Rights of Shareholders and on Unresolved Agenda Items
(PDF 231.7 KB) - English
Proxy Form
(PDF 125.9 KB) - English
Articles of Association (current version)
(PDF 186.6 KB) - English
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2020
Dear Shareholders,
The coronavirus pandemic has significantly impacted our lives and work environment over the past several months. At WACKER, we have taken all necessary measures to ensure that production continues. In doing so, our top priority has always been – and remains – to protect the health of our employees to the greatest possible degree. And we have been successful so far.
Due to the coronavirus pandemic, German legislation now includes a special temporary rule that permits us to hold the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting without shareholders being physically present. The Executive Board has decided, with the consent of the Supervisory Board, to make use of this option. The virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting enables us to protect your health, as well as the health of our employees and service providers, and to minimize the risks for all participants as far as possible.
For you as a shareholder, this means that you can follow the entire Annual Shareholders’ Meeting live via the internet. After registering by the time specified, you will be able to exercise your voting rights either via absentee voting or the Company-appointed proxies. This is possible either in advance of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting or online during the event. You can submit your questions about agenda items beforehand.
Even though this year’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting is going to differ greatly from those in past years, we look forward to continuing our dialogue with you.
We had a challenging year in 2019, with economic momentum weakening significantly during the year. The main factors dampening our operating performance were substantially lower average prices for solar-grade polysilicon and price declines for standard silicones. On balance, price effects reduced Group sales by €365 million. Sales came in at €4.93 billion, down 1 percent versus the previous year. EBITDA came in at €783.4 million, down 16 percent. It included insurance compensation of €112.5 million for the damage related to the incident at our Charleston plant (USA) in 2017.
Contrary to our assumption at the beginning of 2019, solar-grade polysilicon prices did not recover in the second half-year. After adjusting our price outlook accordingly, we recognized an impairment charge of €760 million on our facilities. This not only impacted EBIT (earnings before interest and taxes), but also weighed on the Group’s net result, where we posted a loss of €630 million.
At WACKER SILICONES, business normalized after the market shortages of 2018. At WACKER POLYMERS and WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS, performance was good given the challenging economic conditions. Both divisions generated sales and EBITDA growth.
The Executive and Supervisory Boards will propose to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that a dividend of 50 cents per share be distributed. This proposal is a sign of our confidence in the company’s future.

We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Wacker Chemie AG, Munich, on Tuesday, August 4, 2020, at 10:00 a.m. Central European Time.
This year’s Annual Shareholders’ Meeting is being held as a virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting, with neither shareholders nor their authorized representatives (other than Company-appointed proxies) physically present. The virtual Annual Shareholders’ Meeting will be streamed live from WACKER’s headquarters at Hanns-Seidel-Platz 4, 81737 Munich, Germany, on the internet at:
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President and CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as of December 31, 2019, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as of December 31, 2019, and the combined 2019 Management Report including the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289a (1) and Section 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code (“HGB”), and of the 2019 Supervisory Board Report
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of the Auditor of Financial Statements
- Resolution on the Authorization to Acquire and Utilize Treasury Shares, and on the Exclusion of Preemptive and Tender Rights
- Resolution on Amendments to Section 14 of the Articles of Association
Downloads and Documents
Invitation and Agenda
(PDF 187.4 KB) - english
Speech by Dr. Rudolf Staudigl, President & CEO and Dr. Tobias Ohler, CFO
(PDF 291.8 KB)
Presentation for the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
(PDF 10.2 MB) - English
Voting Results
(PDF 192.1 KB) - english
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 231.3 KB) - english
Proxy Authorisation Form
(PDF 123.3 KB) - english
Annual Report 2019
(PDF 5.8 MB) - english
Wacker Chemie AG’s 2019 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report – only in German
(PDF 3.7 MB) - german
Articles of association (current version)
(PDF 87.8 KB) - english
Synopsis Amendment Section 14
(PDF 193.2 KB) - english
Report by the Executive Board on Authorization to Acquire Treasury Shares
(PDF 106.1 KB) - english
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2019
Invitation to the annual shareholders’ meeting
Dear Shareholders,
WACKER’s performance in 2018 was marked by the strength of our chemical business and by difficult conditions in the solar market. Overall, sales rose by 1 percent to €4.98 billion. EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) came in at €930 million, 8 percent lower than the year before. The decline was due to the fact that insurance compensation was still outstanding for the shutdown caused by the loss event at our Charleston site in Tennessee (USA). Income from continuing operations rose, on the other hand, by 4 percent to €260 million.
The outstanding insurance payments affected our net financial debt. It came in at €609 million and was thus higher year over year. Net cash flow of around €125 million was clearly positive, but substantially lower than a year earlier because capital expenditures were higher (as planned), as were cash outflows for working capital and taxes.
Essentially, 2018 was a year of highs and lows for WACKER. Our chemical business performed very well, especially silicones. We increased silicone sales by 14 percent. The rise was fueled by volume gains for high-margin specialties and higher prices for standard products. Chemical-division EBITDA increased to more than €780 million, despite significantly higher raw-material costs, particularly in our polymer business.
We further strengthened WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS by acquiring a new production site for pharmaceutical actives. The acquisition doubled our capacity in the fast-growing biopharmaceuticals market.
Another positive fact is that, after the loss event at Charleston in September 2017, we resumed polysilicon production there in Q2 2018 and, in December, reached full capacity.
But, aside from this good news, WACKER POLYSILICON faced very challenging market conditions in 2018. Business was dampened by China’s decision to curb feed-in tariffs for some solar projects and to cap the amount of new solar installations.
Given our strong income from continuing operations, the Supervisory and Executive Boards will propose to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting in May 2019 that a dividend of €2.50 per share should be distributed.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Center Munich (Munich-Riem: Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) – on Thursday, May 23, 2019, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2018, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2018, the combined 2018 Management Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289a, Subsection 1, and Section 315a, Subsection 1 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) as well as the 2018 Supervisory Board Report
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of Auditor
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 229.8 KB) - english
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 140.2 KB) - english
Annual Report 2018 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 4.3 MB) - english
Wacker Chemie AG's 2018 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report
(PDF 1.9 MB) - only in german
Articles of Association (latest version)
(PDF 87.8 KB) - english
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2018
Invitation to the annual shareholders’ meeting
Dear Shareholders,
In 2017, WACKER continued on its growth trajectory. Sales climbed by more than 6 percent to €4.92 billion. EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) also rose by over 6 percent despite substantially higher raw-material costs. It reached €1.01 billion, outperforming our forecast. This lifted Group net income from continuing operations, which was more than 40 percent higher than the year before.
At our three chemical divisions, last year was marked by substantial volume growth. It was so strong that we readily absorbed the higher raw-material costs and lower prices for some of our products. WACKER POLYSILICON experienced strong market growth amid lower average prices, and lifted its sales slightly as a result.
Other key financial indicators also reflected how good the business year was. We reduced net financial debt to below €500 million. Net cash flow was again high at around €360 million.
Fiscal 2017 was a special year for WACKER. We completed a key strategic step in our operations by giving up our majority ownership of Siltronic AG. In the future, Siltronic will appear in our figures as a significant shareholding, but no longer as a business division in its own right. We are now intensifying our focus on chemicals and our polysilicon business.
Given our good net income for 2017, our successful placement of Siltronic shares on the capital market and our low debt-to-equity ratio, the Supervisory and Executive Boards will propose to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting that an extra €2 per share should be distributed on top of a dividend of €2.50 per share. The proposed payout thus totals €4.50 per share.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Centre Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) on Wednesday, May 9, 2018, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2017, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2017, the combined 2017 Management Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289a, Subsection 1, and Section 315a, Subsection 1 of the German Commercial Code (HGB) as well as the 2017 Supervisory Board Report
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of Auditor
- Elections to the Supervisory Board
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 259.3 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 169.0 KB) - English
Annual Report 2017 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 4.9 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG's 2017 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report
(PDF 1.5 MB) - only in German
Articles of Association (latest version)
(PDF 87.8 KB) - English
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2017
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
Fiscal 2016 was another good year for WACKER. Sales grew by 2 percent to €5.40 billion. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose to €1.10 billion, an even better figure than we had forecast. Substantially higher levels of depreciation – a result of our capital expenditures in recent years – did lower our net profit for the year at the Group level, though. The positive business trend was also evident in other key financial indicators. We reduced our net financial debt to below the one-billion-euro mark and, at around €400 million, our net cash flow grew significantly.
We want you, our shareholders, to share in this positive performance. The Supervisory Board and Executive Board will propose a dividend of €2.00 per share at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Overall, we will be distributing more than half of the company’s profit for the year to you.
Commissioning of our new production site in Charleston, Tennessee (USA) was one the most important events for us in 2016. Ramping up such a technically complex greenfield plant was a formidable task – and everyone involved accomplished it with great success. All of the facilities are now in operation and we are producing polysilicon of exceptional quality at the site.
WACKER’s three chemical divisions again lifted their sales last year amid strong volume growth. WACKER SILICONES even surpassed the two-billion-euro sales mark for the first time and continued to consolidate its position as the world’s second-biggest manufacturer of silicones. EBITDA at our chemical divisions totaled around €660 million, climbing even faster than sales.
Our polysilicon business performed well amid continuing low prices and the remaining commissioning costs for our new production site in Charleston. Sales volumes continued to rise and our production capacities were fully utilized, enabling us to increase total sales.
Our semiconductor wafer business benefited from strong customer demand in the second half of the year. Higher sales volumes, further cost reductions and lower currency-hedging expenses all helped Siltronic grow EBITDA significantly.
Overall, we are very satisfied with the development of business. Of particular note is the good sales and earnings trend at our three chemical divisions.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Center Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) – on May 19, 2017, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2016, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2016, the combined 2015 Management Report, the 2015 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4, and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of Auditor
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 89.5 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 63.2 KB) - English
Annual Report 2016 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 5.7 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG's 2016 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report
(PDF 1.3 MB) - German
Articles of Association (latest version)
(PDF 87.8 KB) - English
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2016
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
Fiscal 2015 was a good year for WACKER. We achieved all of our goals and, in some cases, actually surpassed them. For the first time in our company’s history, sales jumped above the five-billion-euro mark. At €5.30 billion, they were about 10 percent higher year over year, thanks to positive exchange-rate effects and volume growth. Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) rose about 9 percent, when adjusted for special income from advance payments retained and damages received from solar-sector customers. Net income was higher than expected at over €240 million. Every business division contributed to this success, achieving both sales growth and cost-savings.
We want you, our shareholders, to share in this positive performance. The Supervisory and Executive Boards will propose a dividend of €2.00 per share at the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting. Compared with the previous year’s dividend, that represents an increase of 33 percent. Overall, we will be distributing 40 percent of the company’s profit for the year to you.
Net financial debt did not rise, contrary to our planning, but remained on a par with the previous year, at €1.07 billion. The proceeds from the IPO of Siltronic AG played a part in this. We were able to finance our capital expenditures of €830 million from current cash inflows.
We worked at full pace to complete our new site in Charleston, Tennessee (USA) and to begin manufacturing polysilicon there. The first quantities of high-quality polysilicon were produced at Charleston in early January of this year, and we have been gradually increasing production output since then, as scheduled.
Our chemical business developed particularly well in 2015. Sales totaled over €3.3 billion and EBITDA was up 38 percent, growing significantly more than sales, to about €530 million. This trend shows that we have the right products for global markets.
Our polysilicon business performed very respectably, amid lower prices and the start-up costs of some €90 million for our new site in Charleston. It was important to us that our production capacities were fully utilized and that we increased sales volumes.
In our silicon-wafer business, we posted a substantial rise in sales and a slight improvement in EBITDA, even though volume growth slowed in the second half of 2015. We compensated for lower prices through cost-savings.
On the whole, we are satisfied with the development of business. Of paticular note is the good sales and earnings trend at our three chemical divisions.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Center Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) – on Friday, May 20, 2016, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2015, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2015, the combined 2015 Management Report, the 2015 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4, and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of Auditor
- Resolution regarding Changes of Section 12 of the Articles of Association
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 101.1 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 64.0 KB) - English
Annual Report 2015 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 6.5 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG's 2015 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report
(PDF 1.7 MB) - German
Articles of Association (latest version)
(PDF 95.8 KB) - English
Changes of Section 12 of the Articles of Association
(PDF 20.1 KB) - English
Articles of Association (proposed new version)
(PDF 88.0 KB) - English
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2015
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
Fiscal 2014 was a good year for WACKER.
We achieved a substantial increase in sales and earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) in our centennial year, thanks to higher volumes at all our divisions and improved polysilicon prices. We also benefited from special income from advance payments retained and damages received in connection with amended or terminated contracts with solar-sector customers. Sales reached €4.83 billion overall, up almost 8 percent year on year. EBITDA rose by more than 50 percent to €1.04 billion.
The agreement reached last year with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce concerning polysilicon exports to China was of crucial importance to us. In accordance with the agreement, we have undertaken not to sell polysilicon manufactured at our European sites below a specific minimum price in China. In turn, the Chinese authorities will refrain from imposing anti-dumping and anti-subsidy tariffs on this material. As a result, we will remain in a position to offer our polysilicon in our biggest market at competitive prices. Other key financial indicators, too, were in line with – or even exceeded – our expectations. Although net financial debt further increased in 2014 as planned, we achieved our goal of keeping it below €1.1 billion in total. Net cash flow almost doubled year on year to more than €200 million and net income for the year was substantially higher at €195 million.
The acquisition of a majority stake in Siltronic Silicon Wafer in Singapore and the purchase of Scil Protein Productions in Halle, Germany, proved to be the right moves strategically, and both companies were quickly and successfully integrated into the WACKER Group. As a result of these acquisitions, Siltronic was able, in line with its strategy, to expand its business with 300 mm silicon wafers in Asia, while WACKER BIOSOLUTIONS now has additional prospects for growth in the field of pharmaceutical proteins thanks to additional capacity. This acquisition has already enabled us to conclude contracts with new customers. On the whole, we can be more than satisfied with the performance of all our divisions, particularly with the good results achieved by WACKER POLYSILICON and Siltronic.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Center Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) – on Friday, May 8, 2015, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2014, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2014, the combined 2014 Management Report, the 2014 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4, and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of Auditor
- Resolution on the Authorization to Acquire und Utilize Treasury Shares as well as for the Exclusion of Subscription and Tender Rights
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 83.8 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 64.8 KB) - English
Annual Report 2014 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 4.3 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG's 2014 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report
(PDF 350.6 KB) - German
Report by the Executive Board on Authorization to Acquire Treasury Shares
(PDF 34.5 KB) - English
Articles of Association
(PDF 95.8 KB) - English
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2014
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
2013 was not an easy year for WACKER. Although we set new records for polysilicon volumes, sales and EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) fell short of the prior-year figures. Low polysilicon prices and persistent price pressure in the semiconductor segment were mainly responsible for this decrease. Overall, price effects reduced Group sales by around €360 million. Although our chemical business was stable, there was an absence of economic tailwinds.
Given the exceptionally challenging circumstances, WACKER delivered a respectable performance. Looking at the bottom line, we generated Group sales of €4.48 billion, a good 3 percent below the previous year, with EBITDA coming in at €679 million, down about 15 percent.
By focusing our resources, we cut costs across every corporate sector. This enabled us to limit the negative influence of price effects on Group sales and EBITDA. Cost savings of around €225 million made a substantial contribution. We also benefited here from higher production output.
Net cash flow and net financial debt performed better than expected. This positive outcome was due to lower investments and inventories. At just under €800 million, net financial debt remained well below the one-billion-euro mark.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Centre Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) – on Thursday, May 15, 2014, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Best regards,
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Chairman of the Supervisory Board
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2013, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 013, the combined 2013 Management Report, the 2013 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4, and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of Auditor
- Approval to Amend the Profit and Loss Transfer Agreements Between Wacker Chemie AG and Various Subsidiaries
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 47.0 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 40.2 KB) - English
Annual Report 2013 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 4.6 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG's 2013 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report
(PDF 3.3 MB) - German
Articles of Association
(PDF 95.8 KB) - English
Jahresabschluss, Lagebericht und Vergütungsbericht der Wacker Chemie AG 2011
(PDF 1.7 MB) - German
Jahresabschluss, Lagebericht und Vergütungsbericht der Wacker Chemie AG 2012
(PDF 1.9 MB) - German
Jahresabschluss, Lagebericht und Vergütungsbericht der Wacker Chemie AG 2013
(PDF 3.3 MB) - German
Annual Report 2011: Wacker Chemie AG
(PDF 3.6 MB) - English
Annual Report 2012: Wacker Chemie AG
(PDF 4.4 MB) - English
Annual Report 2013: Wacker Chemie AG
(PDF 4.6 MB) - English
Ergebnisabführungsvertrag zwischen der Wacker Chemie AG und der Alzwerke Gmbh
(PDF 41.4 KB) - German
Änderungsvereinbarung zum Ergebnisabführungsvertrag: Alzwerke GmbH
(PDF 32.3 KB) - German
Gemeinsamer Bericht: Wacker Chemie AG und Alzwerke GmbH
(PDF 134.7 KB) - German
Ergebnisabführungsvertrag zwischen der Wacker Chemie AG und der DRAWIN Vertriebs-GmbH
(PDF 40.9 KB) - German
Änderungsvereinbarung zum Ergebnisabführungsvertrag: DRAWIN Vertriebs-GmbH
(PDF 33.2 KB) - German
Gemeinsamer Bericht: Wacker Chemie AG und DRAWIN Vertriebs-GmbH
(PDF 137.4 KB) - German
Ergebnisabführungsvertrag zwischen der Wacker Chemie AG und der Wacker-Chemie Versicherungsvermittlung GmbH
(PDF 50.5 KB) - German
Änderungsvereinbarung zum Ergebnisabführungsvertrag: Wacker-Chemie Versicherungsvermittlung GmbH
(PDF 30.8 KB) - German
Gemeinsamer Bericht: Wacker Chemie AG und Wacker-Chemie Versicherungsvermittlung GmbH
(PDF 142.9 KB) - German
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2013
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
As expected, 2012 was a challenging year for our company. The key factor influencing WACKER’s performance was solar-grade polysilicon. Although, in 2012, we supplied customers with more polysilicon than ever before, the marked price decline – 50 percent within one year – dampened Group sales and EBITDA. Additionally, lower volumes and prices held back our semiconductor business. Overall, price effects reduced Group sales by more than €700 million. Growth and increased profitability in chemicals, which remained stable throughout the year, could not fully offset this price impact. In 2012, WACKER’s three chemical divisions performed very well, with sales rising 5 percent on the year-earlier period. EBITDA performance in chemicals was even stronger, climbing 15 percent.
Looking at the bottom line, we generated Group sales of €4.63 billion, 6 percent below the previous year. EBITDA came in at €787 million, down 29 percent. Net income for the year amounted to €106.8 million.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Centre Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) on May 8, 2013, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Supervisory Board Chairman
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31,2013, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2013, the combined 2013 Management Report, the 2013 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4, and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Election of Auditor
- Approval to Amend the Profit and Loss Transfer Agreements Between Wacker Chemie AG and Various Subsidiaries
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 43.7 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 40.2 KB) - English
Annual Report 2012 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 4.4 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG’s 2012 consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report and compensation report
(PDF 1.9 MB) - German
Articles of Association
(PDF 95.8 KB) - English
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2012
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
In fiscal 2011, WACKER posted a good result again. But, during the last three months of the year, turbulence on the photovoltaic (PV) market and weaker demand in our semiconductor business put a significant damper on our sales and earnings, which had been excellent up until then.
All in all, we raised sales to just under €5 billion and achieved earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization of €1.1 billion. WACKER Group’s net income for 2011 was €365 million, corresponding to an after-tax return of over seven percent.
We would like to show you in person the details of how WACKER’s business developed in 2011, and explain the strategies and measures we are using to further drive the Group's growth this year.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Centre Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) on May 16, 2012, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Supervisory Board Chairman
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2011, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2011, the combined 2011 management report, the 2011 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information, pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4, and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Resolution on the Nomination of Auditor
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 46.9 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 39.4 KB) - English
Annual Report 2011 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Group management report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 3.6 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG’s 2011 consolidated financial statements, management report and compensation report
(PDF 1.7 MB) - German
Articles of Association
(PDF 47.6 KB) - English
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2011
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
Wacker Chemie AG has put the world economic crisis behind it faster than expected and ended 2010 on a record high. Demand jumped during 2010's first quarter and remained high until year-end.
This development is mirrored in our figures. Sales rose 28 percent, earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) nearly doubled compared to the previous year; as for the year’s net income, WACKER achieved an after-tax return of €0.5 billion (over 10 percent).
We would like to personally provide you with the details on how our business developed in 2010, and on which strategies and measures continue to sustain the Group's profitable growth this year.
We hereby invite WACKER’s shareholders to attend our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Centre Munich (Munich-Riem, Am Messesee 6, 81829 Munich, Germany) on May 18, 2011, starting at 10:00 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Supervisory Board Chairman
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2010, the approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2010, the combined 2010 management report, the 2010 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information, pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4, and Sections 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Resolution on the Nomination of Auditor
- Approval of the Profit-and-Loss Transfer Agreement between Wacker Chemie AG and Wacker-Chemie Achte Venture GmbH
- Resolution on Changes to the Articles of Association
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 51.6 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 41.4 KB) - English
Articles of Association
(PDF 65.0 KB) - English
Annual Report 2010 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Group management report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 4.0 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG’s 2010 consolidated financial statements, management report and compensation report
(PDF 1.7 MB) - German
Wacker Chemie AG’s 2009 consolidated financial statements, management report and compensation report
(PDF 1.7 MB) - German
Wacker Chemie AG’s 2008 consolidated financial statements, management report and compensation report
(PDF 700.0 KB) - German
Consolidated financial statement 2010 of Wacker-Chemie Achte Venture GmbH
(PDF 19.0 KB) - German
Consolidated financial statement 2009 of Wacker-Chemie Achte Venture GmbH
(PDF 20.0 KB) - German
Consolidated financial statement 2008 of Wacker-Chemie Achte Venture GmbH
(PDF 16.6 KB) - German
Draft of the Profit-and-Loss Transfer Agreement between Wacker Chemie AG and Wacker-Chemie Achte Venture GmbH
(PDF 20.8 KB) - English
Joint Report of the Executive Board of Wacker Chemie AG and the Management of Wacker-Chemie Achte Venture GmbH Regarding a Draft Profit-and-Loss Transfer Agreement
(PDF 35.7 KB) - English
Annual Shareholders' Meeting 2010
Invitation to the Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Dear Shareholders,
Despite the global economic crisis, WACKER navigated a steady course through 2009. Although the worst recession in decades clearly hit sales and earnings, we generated positive EBITDA in most divisions and maintained our high investment level.
We would like to explain to you – preferably in person – the details of WACKER’s performance in 2009 and our strategic measures to tackle this year’s challenges.
We therefore invite you to our Annual Shareholders’ Meeting at the ICM – International Congress Centre Munich (Munich-Riem, 81829 Munich, Germany) on Friday, May 21, 2010, starting at 10 a.m.
Wacker Chemie AG
Dr. Peter-Alexander Wacker
Supervisory Board Chairman
Dr. Rudolf Staudigl
President & CEO
Agenda (summary)
- Presentation of the adopted Annual Financial Statements as per December 31, 2009, the Wacker Chemie AG and Group Management Reports for 2009, the Approved Consolidated Financial Statements as per December 31, 2009, the 2009 Supervisory Board Report and the Executive Board’s Explanatory Report on the information, pursuant to Section 289 (4) and Section 315 (4) of the German Commercial Code (HGB)
- Resolution on the Appropriation of Profits
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Executive Board
- Resolution on the Ratification of the Actions of the Supervisory Board
- Resolution on the Choice of Auditor
- Authorization to Acquire Treasury Shares
- Resolution on the Amendment of the Articles of Association of Wacker Chemie AG to Comply With the German Shareholders’ Rights Directive (ARUG)
No shareholder motions to the agenda have been received to date of Wacker Chemie AG’s Annual Shareholder Meeting on May 21, 2010.
On May 21, 2010, the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting of Wacker Chemie AG voted for a dividend of €1.20 per eligible share to be paid from 2009’s net retained profit of €533,408,890.31.
Payment will be made as of May 24, 2010. The dividend will be subject to 25% German capital gains tax, plus a 5.5% "solidarity” surcharge on the tax deducted (a total of 26.375%). The dividend will be paid by the shareholders’ custodian banks via Clearstream Banking AG.*
Shareholders who have supplied their custodian banks with a non-assessment certificate (“Nichtveranlagungsbescheinigung”) from the relevant German tax office shall be liable to neither capital gains tax nor the solidarity surcharge. The same applies – in whole or in part – to shareholders who have submitted an exemption form (“Freistellungsauftrag”) to their custodian banks and have not exhausted the amount exempted in this form with other capital gains.
* This notice applies to shareholders subject to taxation in Germany.
Detailed Explanations of Shareholders’ Rights and Agenda Items Not Requiring a Resolution
(PDF 46.7 KB) - English
Proxy Authorization Form
(PDF 37.9 KB) - English
Articles of Association
(PDF 101.2 KB) - English
Annual Report 2009 (incl. consolidated financial statements, Combined Management Report, Supervisory Board report, appropriation-of-profits proposal, Executive Board report pursuant to Section 289, Subsection 4 and Section 315, Subsection 4 of the German Commercial Code)
(PDF 3.5 MB) - English
Wacker Chemie AG’s 2009 consolidated financial statements, management report and compensation report
(PDF 1.7 MB) - German
Report by the Executive Board on agenda item 6 pursuant to Section 71 (1), No. 8, Sentence 5 of the German Stock Corporation Act (AktG) in conjunction with Section 186 (4), Sentence 2 of the AktG
(PDF 243.3 KB) - German

Do you have any questions about the Annual Shareholder Meeting? We’d be please to answer them for you.
(Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. - 12 a.m. CET)
Tel. +49 89 6279-1444
Fax: +49 89 6279-4567