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press pictures

Silicone Sealants

The ready-to-use silicone sealants in the General Purpose (GP) and General Sanitary (GS) product lines offer excellent adhesion to porous and non-porous substrates and are suitable for numerous high-quality construction applications.

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WACKER’s Nanjing site

WACKER’s Nanjing site: this fully integrated plant manufactures VINNAPAS® dispersions and dispersible polymer powders as binders for sectors such as construction, coatings and adhesives. The new pilot reactor for VAE dispersions will enable WACKER to increase its local expertise, applications support and customer service.

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Drainage Concrete - Test Section

Test section of drainage concrete. While the water builds up on normal concrete or asphalt and runs off slowly (right side of photo), it can drain away easily and quickly on the new drainage concrete (left).

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ETONIS® 260 - Rail-road Tunnels

Drainage concrete modified with ETONIS® 260 is spread between and beside tracks and thus provides rescue vehicles and fire trucks with fast access to rail-road tunnels. The new concrete is quick to put down, extremely durable and stable, and thus ideal for applications in road, tunnel and under-ground construction (photo: Wacker Chemie AG, courtesy of Deutsche Bahn AG).

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ETONIS® 260 - Drainage Concrete

Freshly mixed drainage concrete in laboratory trials: the open-pored structure and pores can be clearly seen. Thanks to the new ETONIS® 260 polymer, the non-slump fresh concrete does not flow or disintegrate at the edges – this is a vital prerequisite for level track surfaces.

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