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Reset perimeterEddyville
WACKER produces cyclodextrins at its Eddyville site (USA). The ring-shaped sugar molecules bio-engineered from starch are used in the pharma, household, cosmetics, food, construction and agrochemical sectors as well as for producing novel surfaces with self-healing properties.
Download picture (JPG, 29 KB)HTEssence® Cosmetics
Ideal for cosmetic products: WACKER’s nature-identical hydroxytyrosol is a very effective, high-purity antioxidant, free of unwanted byproducts and with a defined amount of active ingredient. As a free radical scavenger, HTEssence® can prevent wrinkle formation and skin aging.
Download picture (JPG, 29 KB)Sprayed Concrete Lab test
Analyzing tunnel core samples in the Burghausen applications lab to determine the sprayed concrete's waterproofing properties and its strength increase over time.
Download picture (JPG, 58 KB)VINNAPAS® tests
Extensive tests and experiments were carried out in WACKER’s labs in Burghausen in order to optimize the formulations and their polymer additives for the conditions they would be subjected to in Cairo
Download picture (JPG, 49 KB)Cairo Television Tower
The extensive renovation of the Cairo Tower demanded the highest standards of quality for plaster, mortar, adhesive and grout additives. WACKER experts helped to develop formulations containing specialized VINNAPAS® polymer powders that now protect the television tower from heat, dryness and wind (photo: EKY).
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