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Silicone Adhesives SILPURAN®

At the EWMA Conference 2016; WACKER is presenting SILPURAN® 2114, SILPURAN® 2122 and SILPURAN® 2142. The silicone adhesives offer relatively high adhesion, as is required for traditional adhesive plasters, dressing retention materials and other traditional wound dressing products.

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VINNAPAS® 4040 E - Dispersible Polymer Powder

In cementitious sealing slurries, the new VINNAPAS® 4040 E dispersible polymer powder ensures high tensile adhesive strength after prolonged water exposure and outstanding crack bridging – ideal prerequisites for use in water-repellent coatings of sewers, basements and swimming pools, or in bathrooms

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Lab test - Dispersion VINNAPAS® LL 3031

Lab test of flame retardant properties: Paints and plasters formulated with the new dispersion VINNAPAS® LL 3031 (left) are less combustible and burn more slowly compared to styrene-acrylate-based alternatives (right).

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Lab test - VINNAPAS® EF 8860

Determination of adhesion via peel test: Adhesives formulated with VINNAPAS® EF 8860 are particularly rugged and long-lasting. This makes the new product an ideal dispersion base for flooring adhesives for flexible floor coverings such, especially for PVC floorings.

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Color space measurements

Color space measurements of proofs printed on coated paperboard: the newly developed VINNAPAS® EF 104 confers excellent print images on the end product and is thus an ideal binder for coatings used for offset, roto and flexo printing of coated paperboard packaging, for example for personal care and pharma products, or food and beverage packaging.

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