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The rate at which pulp slurry is dewatered can be measured in drainage tests. WACKER’s new silicone tensid PULPSIL® 968 S accelerates dewatering to unprecedented levels and improves the washing process during pulp making significantly.

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Polyvinyl acetate solid resins

Polyvinyl acetate solid resins are an essential component of modern, high-quality gumbase. WACKER produces them in compliance with strict quality and hygiene standards.

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Siltronic - Silicon Ingot

WACKER subsidiary Siltronic produces hyperpure silicon wafers for semiconductor and microelectronics applications. The wafers are sliced off perfect, highly pure monocrystals – so-called hyperpure silicon ingots – that have diameters of up to 300 millimeters.

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WACKER’s Halle Site

Therapeutic protein production at WACKER’s Halle site. In 2013, Wacker Biotech GmbH, a wholly-owned Wacker Chemie AG subsidiary, acquired the production plants. The acquisition was an important step for WACKER, enabling it to support its customers in the pharmaceutical sector not only during clinical trials, but during the market supply phase, too

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WACKER’s production facility in Calvert City

WACKER’s production facility in Calvert City: The plant complex is the biggest of its kind outside of Europe. With the expansion, WACKER is meeting the globally rising demand for its dispersions and dispersible powders

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