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Cyclodextrins can accommodate other substances in the center of their ring-shaped structure. They are thereby able to bind other substances, protect sensitive ingredients, influence texture and consistency of materials or improve the properties of polymer systems.

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At the EWMA Conference 2016; WACKER is presenting its new silicone gels SILPURAN® 2114, SILPURAN® 2122 and SILPURAN® 2142 These gels are designed for the production of adhesive layers as used in traditional wound-dressing and tape products.

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Silicone Microemulsion

WACKER received Henkel’s Best Innovation Contributor Beauty Care 2014 award for the development of a new silicone microemulsion for shampoos and hair-care products. Tests show that the emulsion makes both wet and dry hair significantly easier to comb.

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Wacker Chemie AG’s headquarters in Neuperlach, Munich.

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Polymer Powder VINNAPAS® 5518 H

Skim coats modified with hydrophobic polymer powders such as VINNAPAS® 5518 H offer an improved weather resistance, and therefore durability of buildings.

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