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Genioplast Vinnex 087

An ideal combination for bioplastics processors: WACKER’s silicone-based performance additive GENIOPLAST® for thermoplastics and engineering plastics (on the left) and the VINNEX® additive system based on polyvinyl-acetate technology enhance the processing and material properties of bioplastics significantly. (Photo: WACKER).

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Genioplast Vinnex 007

WACKER’s silicone-based performance additive GENIOPLAST® for thermo¬plastics and engineering plastics (on the left) and the VINNEX® additive system based on polyvinyl acetate technology enhance the processing and material properties of bioplastics significantly. WACKER will display novel test results at the Compounding World Expo 2021 (photo: WACKER).

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Sustainability Report 2019_2020

Sustainability Report 2019_2020

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