Antifoams & Flowing Agents

Free from Processing Problems
Our high-quality products ensure smooth processing and improved product quality in specific applications in the food and beverage industry.
In the food-processing industry, foam is generated at various points in a production chain. This is caused mostly by surface-active substances such as proteins, fatty acids, and sugars. Invariably, the resulting foam impairs product properties in many ways and greatly disrupts the process flow. WACKER has an answer to exactly these problems: the SILFAR® and SILFOAM® lines of silicone-based antifoam agents, which have been specially developed and continuously optimized for the food-processing industry.
Our high-quality product range ensures processes run smoothly and product qualities are improved in specific applications in the beverages industry, alcohol distillation, in the production of deep-frozen foods, deep-frying oils, deep-frozen foods, and gelatine as well as in fruit conservation and vegetable washing. A distinction, though, is made between food additive and food contact applications. When used as a food additive, the antifoam agent is added direct to the food and remains in it, e.g. during defoaming of juices. In a food-contact application, by contrast, the antifoam agent is contained in the packaging, such as plastic or paper, from which it can migrate into the food.
Our our antifoam agents SILFAR® and SILFOAM® are available as highly pure silicone fluids, highly efficient compounds, or antifoam emulsions specially tailored to water-based applications. Special production and quality controls ensure the high standard of these food-sector products at all stages of production.
HDK® serves as a high-purity flow aid and anticaking agent in powdered foods and powdered spices. For grinding food additives, such as phosphates, HDK® is used as a grinding aid.