“Observance of human rights is a top priority for us as a company. We never want to be associated with human rights violations – neither as a perpetrator nor as a profiteer. We base all our business activities on this principle.”
Dr. Christian Hartel | President & CEO | Wacker Chemie AG
We Say “No!”
For WACKER, as a responsible and globally active company, it is important that each individual site respects human rights and applies human rights and environmental due diligence along the global supply and value chain. We also expect our partners to adhere to these principles. We are committed to the UN Global Compact’s Ten Principles and condemn slavery and all other forms of forced or compulsory labor. We do not use physical violence or mental intimidation and reject any type of abuse. In this area, we follow the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises, the ILO Core Labor Standards, and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, and statutory requirements.
We take protecting human rights seriously and implement activities to underscore this.

The issue of occupational safety is one of our key concerns.
“We aim to reduce the number of chemical accidents with missed workdays, as well as our process-related accidents, to zero per year.”
Tom Guo
Head of Safety Management at WACKER Greater China
Anchored within the Group
Our Human Rights Committee
The Human Rights Committee headed by the Human Rights Officer prioritizes the safeguarding of human rights at WACKER. Its tasks include prioritizing areas of risk to human rights, checking existing management approaches in terms of protective and monitoring mechanisms, identifying weak points and defining information needs in the company. Its interdisciplinary members meet at least 4 times a year.
We Show Our Dedication through Voluntary Commitments
WACKER supports the principles of the United Nations Global Compact initiative. What’s more, we have signed Germany’s “Diversity Charter” and joined “We Together” – a German business initiative for the integration of refugees. Since 2015, WACKER has been a member of the global TfS initiative for protecting human rights in the supply chain.
Global CompactWorking together – German industry’s integration initiatives (German-language website only)
Together for Sustainability
German diversity day
Sustainability Factsheet: Employee and Human Rights
(PDF 139.3 KB) - english
Statement Against Modern Slavery
(PDF 277.9 KB) - english
Supplier Code of Conduct
(PDF 766.4 KB) - english
Sustainability Factsheet: Social Audits
(PDF 218.2 KB) - english
Sustainability Factsheet: Supply Chains
(PDF 216.2 KB) - english
WACKER's Position on "Conflict Minerals"
(PDF 166.9 KB) - english

We would be happy to assist you with any questions you may have concerning sustainability at WACKER.
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