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Tile adhesive - thin-bed technique

Today’s routine thin-bed technique was enabled by tile adhesives containing VINNAPAS®. The benefits include far less needed material and significantly lower costs, as well as time savings and simpler handling thanks to enhanced flexibility and a longer open time.

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Burghausen - Historic Spraydryer

The first spray dryer for VINNAPAS® polymer powders went on stream at WACKER’s parent plant in Burghausen in 1957. The facility produced 1,200 metric tons per year. To date, over 1 million metric tons of powder have been sold, and in summer 2007, WACKER Burghausen will commission the world’s largest plant with an annual capacity of 30,000 tons.

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Burghausen - Spray-drying towers

Spray-drying towers for dispersible polymer powders at WACKER’s parent plant in Burghausen, Germany. With the construction of a new 50,000-metric-ton spray dryer, WACKER is strengthening its position as a market and technology leader in this field.

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Self-leveling flooring and troweling compounds modified with VINNAPAS® produce an extraordinarily smooth, even and fine pored surface (left), as opposed to formulations without or with conventional binders (right). Even a small amount of VINNAPAS® significantly enhances abrasion resistance, tensile strength in bending as well as compressive strength and provides crack-free setting

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An applications engineer in Burghausen tests the spreading and leveling properties of polymer-modified flooring compounds. Self-leveling flooring compounds and underlayments containing VINNAPAS® produce very smooth and crater-free surfaces characterized by flexibility, good adhesion to all substrates and crack-free hardening. The surface is abrasion resistant, load resistant and can be walked on soon after installation.

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